We have been seeing the Ohio shooting case play out in the news. This morning, CBSNews released an article entitled "Violent past for Ohio shooting suspect." Many people have sorrow and hardship in their life, but the blame for their actions does...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Centrality of the Gospel - All activities and messages of the Church have their source in the Gospel of Christ – that sinners are justified by faith alone, that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to believers by God's decree alone,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today's church is a house of inventions, where church leaders feel free to reinvent Christianity in their generation. Not only do they feel free to do this, but they also believe it is their obligation to the people in order to be relevant. In...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The present national climate promotes individualism and independence with almost complete disregard of God's directive for families. What lies in many people's hearts is depression and dominating sin because they have not found their rest in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]