Men protect women. Men are leaders. Men are responsible as heads of their families. Men are to teach their children 24/7. Men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and be willing to die for them. Men are to be fruitful and multiply....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Women should be keepers at home. Women should submit and obey their husbands following the example of Sarah and call her husband Lord. Women should dress modestly. Wives don’t own their own bodies. Their husbands do. Women should be fruitful...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is the bottom line: You cannot minister to the weak families unless you have strong families. Strong families are dependent upon obedient men and holy women. If we never have healthy families, then we will never have healthy churches. The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Does the Regulative Principle of Worship support or nullify local church membership? Because there is no express command for church membership, some argue that it is extra-Biblical, but that is a misunderstanding of the actual doctrine. Simply...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This article is the third of a five-part series on Church Membership. Click here to read the first article, and here to read the second. Serious Obligations Require Order Even a cursory glance at the relationships described in the New Testament...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is the local church? The local church is a distinct biblical entity, but that simply tells us that it is, not what it is. The question is essential, given that our answer greatly determines our conduct in the church, but it isn’t a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It could go without saying that, by and large, professing Christians have become very casual about the local church. A common view is that membership in the worldwide body of Christ is the thing that really matters, and the local church is simply...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is another deposit in the Couch Potato Patriarch's logbook, Why is it that I Always See My Mom Shoveling the Driveway? Tim Challies remarks about his neighborhood: "In most cases the children are teenagers, in their twenties or even in their...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There is a brand of patriarchs that do nothing but their own thing. Their wives are "keepers at home," but the patriarch lifts not a finger to help. Just completing this sentence pains me for my own failure. Our church's confession of faith, the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What you are about to read is a blast from the past. Robert Murray McCheyne, a pastor in Scotland, wrote this wonderful letter to the Rev. William Burns, one who was a missionary to China during a portion of his life. This letter would make an...[ abbreviated | read entire ]