The Prayer of the Sinner which God Hears Luke 18:9–14 1. He ADMITTED his CONDITION – ‘a sinner’ 2. He ACKNOWLEDGED his CONDEMNATION 3. He APPEALED for COMPASSION – ‘God be merciful’ 4. He was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Studies in the Book of Judges The Time of the Judges Judges 3:5–9 1. A Gross Departure – v.5–7 2. A Godly Discipline – v.8 3. A Gracious Deliverance – v.9 The Man Who Got His Eyes Opened, But it was Too...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Studies in the Book of Judges'The Danger for Second Generation Free Presbyterians'Judges 2:101. The Passing of a Former Generation2. The Rising of Another Generation3. The Compromising of the Past Generation4. The Corruption of the New Generation...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LIVING A SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN LIFE Joshua 1:8c 1. A Realisation of God's Presence – v.5 2. An Occupation of God's Possession – v.6 3. An Observation of God's Principles – v.7 4. A Meditation in God's Precepts – v.8 5. A...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Ship of SalvationActs 27:311. The LOCATION that is SAFE - 'the ship'2. The CONDITION that is SECURE - 'be saved'3. The PROCLAMATION that is Solemn - 'except ye abide...' ‘The Influence of a Father’ 1 Kings 15:3–5 1. The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Family Night Mr Tommy Gilmore Testifies to Gods saving Grace MOTTO TEXT 2018 Psalm 126:5 'The Soul-Winners Joy' 1. The OCCUPATION of the Soul-Winner – ‘They that sow’ 2. The LAMENTATION of the Soul-Winner –...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
My Last Day On Earth Luke 12:20 1. A SUITABLE CONTEMPLATION 2. A SOLEMN CONSIDERATION 3. A SEARCHING REALISATION Early warning. Sunday evenings service on New Years Eve will be 2 hours later than our normal time to facilitate a time of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Coming of the Wise Men to Seek Christ Matthew 2:1–12 1. They Came a GREAT DISTANCE – ‘from the East’ 2. They Came seeking the RIGHT PERSON – ‘the king of the Jews’ 3. They Came LED BY the STAR...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Empty Seat 1 Samuel 20:18 1. EMPTY SEATS in our HOMES 2. EMPTY SEATS in our HOUSE OF WORSHIP 3. EMPTY SEATS in HEAVEN EMMANUEL - GOD WITH US (Part 2) MATTHEW 1:23 1. The PROCLAMATION of Deity 2. The EXPLANATION of Deity 3. The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]