Loveland Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Arend Haveman | Loveland, Colorado
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1. The Blessed Privilege2. The Attitude It Excites3. The Wonderful Care He Provides Read: Luke 11:1-13 Text: Lord's Day 46
I. Our New Life II. Our Exalted Position III. Our Enjoyment of Incomprehensible Love Read: Ephesians 2:1-10 Text: Ephesians 2:4-6
1. The Shameful Nomination 2. The Trying Question 3. The Self-Condemning Answer Read: Matthew 27:1-31 Text Matthew 27:15-23
1. A Blessed Assurance 2. A Firm Basis 3. The Particular Recipients Read: Romans 8:14-39 Text: Romans 8:28
I. The Frightening Storm II. The Mighty Lord III. The Marvelous Sign Read: Mark 4:26-41 Text: Mark 4:35-41
I. The Purpose II. The Manner III. The Significance Read: Judges 6:33- 7:23 Text: Judges 7:2-8
I. The Terrible Judgment II. The Significant Sacrifice III. The Blessed Deliverance Read: Exodus 12 Text: Exodus 12:11-13 Rev. Steven Key
Living in God's Fellowship (9) 1. The Solemn Admonition 2. The Reason for the Admonition 3. The Blessedness in Obeying Read: 1 John 2:1-17 Text: 1 John 2:15-17
1. Covenantal Worship 2. Holy Worship 3. Fearful Worship Read: Psalm 96 & Exodus 20:4-6 Text: Lord's Day 35