Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Ryne Bonn | Peoria, Illinois
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MyChurch: redeemerpeoria | Set MyChurch Code#: 64875
Regularly held morning service begins at 10:45am.
Worship will begin at 10:45 am.
A special unregulated service to celebrate Christmas.
Morning Services held at 10:30a at Peoria Riverfront Oktoberfest
Redeemer Presbyterian Church's morning services will be held at Peoria Oktoberfest on the Peoria Riverfront.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church is hosting a booth at Peoria Oktoberfest on the Peoria Riverfront.
Due to inclement weather conditions, services today are cancelled.
Redeemer's evening worship service on October 14 will be held at Bethany Baptist Church, as part of the United in Christ community worship service. Worship begins at 6:00. The morning worship service at Redeemer will be...