With the demise of the family, rise of evolutionary thought and the undermining of a thousand years of Christian law, what is the Church and families to do? Learn about the true directives that look beyond the worldly...
Pray for revival. We must depend upon His sovereign grace for growth in the Church and reformation in the world. Free. Free snacks. Free nursery. Free fellowship.
Prof. Alan Strange (energetic, funny but always informative) will guide us through four great American theologians: who they were, what they did and why they are still significant. Great theologians don't live in the...
This is a prayer time at the Auraria campus in downtown Denver. There are three colleges here & every Christian is invited to demonstrate our devotion to Christ. The more the better!
Come learn about the sole sufficiency of Christ's Word, the Bible, as rediscovered by the Reformers. In a day when such a simple truth is being lost, we need to relearn the importance of the Word.
This is the annual Colorado Homeschool event. Pastor Mathis and several church members are volunteering their time to teach the young on why they should count the cost of freedom. Go to the link for more information...