The Church and the Battle for Biblical Creation. For centuries secular minds have rejected the historical accuracy of the Creation account in Genesis, but in recent days the battle for biblical Creation has come inside...
The apostles called believers to a mindset and lifestyle distinctively set apart from the world. Today’s church by contrast increasingly reflects the entertainment-saturated, consumer-driven values of the godless...
About The Conference. Recent high-profile cases have placed sexual abuse in the national spotlight. Sexual abuse reaches people of all ages, races and backgrounds. Statistics reveal that most victims of sexual abuse...
Jeremy Frazor is a dynamic Bible preacher who has participated in more than 120 evangelistic crusades, preaching in more than 350 churches and Christian schools across the United States. His vision is to see God send...
A conference designed to help pastors, counselors and churches minister to those battling addictive substances and behaviors. Do you and your church have lasting, biblical answers for Addictions to chemical substances...
Join us via our live video webcast for our Computer Science Workshop with Steven Halim. It is open to all current and former computer science students, especially those involved with our programming contests. Time...
Commencement is a conclusion and a beginning for graduates as they exit Bob Jones University and enter a new life chapter equipped with a prime Christian liberal arts education. The ceremony begins at 9 a.m. on...
SoundForth will premiere its newest CD, “Promises,” with a concert in the Founder’s Memorial Amphitorium immediately following the evening service. Every year during Bible Conference, SoundForth releases a new CD and...
Evangelistic services will take place at 7 p.m. on Jan. 14 and 15 in the Founder’s Memorial Amphitorium. This semester’s opening services speaker will be Rev. Mike Manor, staff evangelist for Colonial Hills Baptist...
What better way to kick off the Christmas season than with the illumination of 200,000 twinkling lights? Friends from the Greenville area are invited to join the student body for an outdoor carol sing in front of the...
Don’t miss the Beta Gamma Delta Patriots and the Basilean Eagles face off in the men’s soccer championship. This is a LIVE sporting event held on the campus of Bob Jones University!
Evangelistic services will take place at 7 p.m. on Sept. 3 and 4 in the Founder’s Memorial Amphitorium. This year’s opening services speaker will be Dr. Rand Hummel, director of the Wilds in New England and former...