Join us for our Revival Meetings with Evangelist Mike Pelletier. Meetings begin on Sunday Morning at 11AM and Sunday Evening at 6PM. Meeting continues Monday - Thursday at 7PM nightly. We will have special children's...
11:00 am & 6:00 pm Sunday and 7:00 pm Monday - Thursday
We are having our Fall Revival with Evangelist Ron Comfort. Come be with this week for great preaching. There will be children's services and a nursery will be provided.
We are having issues with our video equipment and our Live Stream can be found on our Church homepage. We hope to be back to normal streaming soon.
Join us for our Revival with Evangelist Mike Pelletier Sunday September 20, 2015 @ 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM. Monday - Thursday September 21 - 24 @ 7:00 PM Nursery Provided.
Sunday, September 28 - Thursday October 2, will be our fall Revival meetings with Dr. Billy Ingram. As a teenager years ago, he was with us for an entire summer. He has preached here in the past, and has been a...