Calvary Protestant Reformed Church |
Rev. Allen Brummel | Hull, Iowa
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Lists: Who He Is With WHom He Dwells His Blessed Reviving Work Read: Isaiah 57 |
Join us in worship as we observe Thanksgiving day. |
I. Who They Are II. The Terrible Judgment III. The Pastoral Wisdom Read: Hebrews 6 Text:  Hebrews 6:4Â6 |
Luke 10:25-Â42 I. The Sisters’ Choices II. Martha’s Error III. Christ’s Response |
1. What It Is 2. Its Sacrifice 3. Its Highest Significance |
Genesis 3:16, Luke 9:24 I. Selfishness in the Family II. Self ÂDenial the Calling III. The Power to Serve Him |
Daniel 7:13,14 1. The Ascension 2. The Dominion 3. The Comfort |
I Corinthians 13 1. What? 2. Why? 3. How? |
I. God’s People Pursue Self II. God Pursues His People III. God Brings to Repentance Read: Judges 21:25-Ruth 1:18 Text: Ruth 1:1-6 |
I. Created Good II. Fallen in Adam III. Undeserving of Rescue |
I. The Meaning II. The Calling III. The Result |
I. The Temptation II. The Appeal III. The Resistance |
I. Not My Own II. Belong to Jesus III. Through Knowledge |
Numbers 10 I. The Leading of the Ark II. The Covering of the Cloud III. The Voice of the Mediator |
· Page 1 · Found: 33 scheduled events |
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