Holy Scriptures and Israel Bible Society 426 Simcoe Street Box 1411 Niagara-On-The-Lake. Ontario, Canada L0S 1J0
Holy Scriptures and Israel Bible Society 426 Simcoe Street Box 1411 Niagara-On-The-Lake. Ontario, Canada L0S 1J0 E-mail - gideon@holyscripturesandisrael.com
Great Sermon! Your wonderful sermon ended without Jesus as the Lord of the first day as we see in Revelation or 7th day. Must the church worship on the 7th day or the first day or is this a matter of conscience?
Excellent Teaching! What a blessing to hear the book of Revelation being taught from a Messianic perspective. Listening to others sometimes can be quite discouraging and disappointing, because they aren’t necessarily expounding from a Messianic perspective, many want to pencil in the church, where the church is nowhere to be found in strategic places such as Daniel, much of Isaiah and Matthew 24 especially and others including the Book of Revelation.
It is my strong belief that the G-d of the Bible is not finished with His beloved, Israel, she must go through the fire to be refined, but because of G-d’s faithfulness they will not all be consumed. Thank you for your ministry
A Real Blessing! I really have found new wisdom through this message Pastor Gideon. Thank you and what a blessing to know we as believers are such an active part of our Lord Yeshua's unfolding Kingdom. May all who are indeed faithful sowers of His Word bare much fruit in serving Him here on earth.