Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley): Botanical Witch It should be noted that Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley) is really a botanical witch. The abilities of Poison Ivy such as secretion of floral toxins and mind-controlling pheromones and telekinetic control over flora are all Satanic witchcraft. We know that throughout history, witches have used plants, especially the toxic varieties, to cast spells. The Poison Ivy character in the Batman media has only made botanical witchcraft popular. The science of botany is not witchcraft, but botany has been misused for evil purposes for the sake of practicing witchcraft. A sermon like this is most needed in response to witchcraft, especially that of the botanical variety.
Batman: Satan's Dark Knight This sermon really explains why Batman (Bruce Wanye) is really Satan's Dark Knight, especially since Batman operates in a city called "Gotham." It should be noted that the supervillains of the Batman comics like the Joker, Scarecrow, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy, also derive their powers from Satan's kingdom. This means that Batman and many of the superheroes and supervillains from Batman media are based on Satanic false gods of ancient times. Also, Batman is referred to as the "Dark Knight", which is a title clearly associated with Satan's kingdom of darkness. This sermon reminds us that we as believers in Jesus Christ (known as Yeshua in Hebrew), should walk as children of light. Being children of light is the exact opposite of being "dark knights."