“ Searching message. ” This message really touched my heart! How serious and solemn to know that unsaved people see no other Jesus than the Jesus they see in our lives! What a sobering thought!
“ Great Sermon! ” This is a huge challenge to find the church that follows the Gospel and preaches the Word of God. One must study the Holy Scripture diligently to know the truth. It's not easy, but it's worth the effort. There is only One God and only His Word but you must search it.
“ Great Sermon! ” The greatest problems in the assembly (church) today is no context, seemingly few at the most elders who are qualified to teach, they say the body of Christ is under grace and always seem to find it in the recounting of Christ addressing the unrepentant lost sheep Israel who are under law under the old covenant,ignoring letters.
“ Strong Sermon! ” Yes the apostasy is growing in many forms, music, preaching, visual and mystical ingredients that are seducing the weak Christians. I do miss the hell fire and brimstone preaching of times past. Fortunately we can still hear it on some SermonAudio messages. Very few people carry their Holy Bibles to church, and any reference to any of it is minimal and weak. In these last days we are obligated to study deeply the Holy Scriptures and not be led into false teaching. This message gives us good insight into the decline in teaching doctrine anymore.