“ Great Sermon! ” Love this sermon! How he talks of how the Hebrews didn't fear God, but did fear the furnace. A man who fears God will fear nothing else
“ Great Sermon! ” I appreciate Pastor Martin always rightly dividing God's word. All have their backs toward God, our sin nature and love of darkness is why this is so. The prideful sin of 'free will' keeps most from seeing this truth, as does the prideful sin of legalism. Most do not have the gospel right, which is the building block for right understanding. The gospel comes in power, BUT ONLY if it is preached correctly as it is written, the 'gospel of grace' and NOT of the accursed 'free will'. Praise God there is a remnant who understand this....
“ Powerful sermon ” I found it refreshing there was no mention of God 'loving' these penitent sinners, no mention of repeating a 'sinner's prayer', or making a decision. Here's what happened when God moves through Spirit-empowered preaching of God's truth-'So we went down the passage and she gently opened the door and there is the farmer on his knees and again he kept repeating, “God, can you have mercy on me? Can you have mercy on me? I seem to feel that hell is too good for me.” .... When I went into the pulpit I found a young woman, a graduate of Aberdeen University who was at the dance and now she is lying on the floor of the pulpit crying, “Is there mercy for me? Is there mercy for me? Is there mercy for me?”...brokenness and cries for mercy are the TRUE SIGNS that God is moving, He is working to save sinners. This is an amazing message that makes today's 'evangelists' and 'preachers' look like pansies, using carnal means to 'save', passing out 'tracts' instead of compelling sinners by mouth, and leaving God completely out of the equation by putting the means of being 'saved' upon the sinner's 'free will'. America is a dry and barren land indeed, many self-appointed preachers and evangelists will answer for their carnal ways and fleshly method of preaching!
“ Awesome! ” This gentleman did an amazing job here. The power of the Holy Ghost was with him. This is what the world needs right now. I agree with everyone that says Lord please make this happen!
“ Great Sermon! ” David from India. This gentleman speaks of many different scriptures in different places in the bible. Which one are you concerned with. I always appreciate when a bible teacher is telling us in not so many words that "it's a narrow way and you better walk in it"
“ Bringing others to the Lord. ” I have other view than Willie Mullan about the extent of the application of Christ's death. But I found useful what he said about the disciples who met the Lord Jesus and immediately found in their heart the desire to bring others to the Lord.
“ Great Sermon! ” Best and soundest sermon I have heard in a long time! Dr. Beeke's passionate presentation of the genius of Puritanism should be heard by every pastor or preacher today. Some need to be reminded, some rebuked, some encouraged and exhorted to preach biblically or not at all! The pulpits of our evangelical and our Reformed churches are filled with men who have either never begun, or have given up, preaching with purpose and with power. We may have rationalized our fruitlessness and faithlessness; but God will call us to account nonetheless. The question must be asked, do we believe the gospel or not? Do we believe in heaven and hell or not? Only a return to passionate, experiential preaching of the doctrine of sovereign grace can save the church from total irrelevance and final destruction! May God give us grace to heed the words of Dr. Beeke, and start preaching like we mean it!
“ Great Sermon! ” What an awareness that brings shame. What an awful truth to hear . God forgive us for being so idle and in our own comfort that we don't see or care for what You plead for . The lost
“ LISTEN! Very practical. ” The speaker touches on a subject that I have never heard spoken on before but became evidently clear that was something that's missing especially among churches that are preaching free grace in their emphasis. He touches on a neglected subject, i.e. responsibility and effort in sanctification, and even a creeping error that is worth uncovering. Has the grace of God been turned today into licentiousness? What good men are worth following as examples today? What type of men should Christians esteem? Certainly not who the world esteems. The speaker contrasts today with good men of former years.
“ Blessed sermon. ” Blessed message for my soul. What a great warning! And what a tragedy to be with the Lord Jesus for 3 and a half years and to go to hell! It is possible to hear the greatest preachers and to g to hell!It is possible to see great spiritual revivals and to go to hell! Oh, Lord, make my soul to remain not untouched in the presence of grace! Amen!
“ Needed to Hear This Encouragement ” Thank You! Todd Friel, for this encouraging word to go and preach the Gosple. I believe it is more than safe to say MUCH PRAYER, REAL PRAYING THROUGH to being filled with the Holy Spirit and His Power and all the will of God in this, is desperately Needed to live this out But the reality is that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away ... say it with me..."my sin" is Infinitely Worthy of Every Bit of: (1) Going to a place you don't want to go (2) To Give a Message you don't want to give (3) To people who don't want to hear it. But talk about something done right in the obedience of faith that will have much good fruit ... clarifying our preaching in our Churches, sanctifying and motivating our praying and transforming our fellowship to having a real Biblical fellowship in the Faith! Wow!