The Marxist view of wealth is anti-biblical Dr. Morecraft helpfully explains what the Bible teaches about poverty and wealth, and points out that Marxist views and attitudes are anti-biblical. God is sovereign in the distribution of wealth. The blessings that God bestows upon faithfulness are comprehensive and life-wide.
The power of words Among the many valuable points made in this sermon is that the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," is a bald-faced lie. In reality, it's better to be hit by a stick or a stone than to be slandered. As Dr. Morecraft says, the tongue is one of the most powerful weapons on earth.
The importance of avoiding lustful temptation This is a very powerful sermon on the need to avoid sexual sin, and how to do so by fleeing temptation.
A companion of fools versus walking with the wise Dr. Morecraft provides an extensive and powerful explanation of what it means to be the companion of fools, and what it means to walk with wise men.
Wise living requires knowledge of God Dr. Morecraft explains that nobody is going to make it through this life successfully without the knowledge of God that comes from the Bible. Knowledge of God comes with great effort. There are no shortcuts. There's no easy way to get it. The knowledge of God comes from believing, dedicated, daily, diligent, study of the Word of God. In contrast, foolishness is man's understanding and interpretation of life that originates with himself and not with God.
Practical teaching on humility and wisdom This excellent sermon by Dr. Morecraft covers a number of important points, including the six elements of wisdom: 1) The fear of the Lord; 2) Submission to God's Word; 3) Knowledge of the character and the will of God contained in Holy Scripture; 4) Skill in applying what you learn from Scripture to your everyday life; 5) Discernment to distinguish right from wrong and truth from falsehood; 6) Jesus Christ in your life - there is no wisdom outside of Christ.
The Biblical answer to depression Dr. Morecraft explains that as long as we are consumed with ourselves, we will always be depressed. Doing what the Bible says, regardless of how we feel, will change our lives for the better (Matthew 6:33).
The difference between a fool and a wise man In this excellent message Dr. Morecraft provides very helpful teaching on the importance of self-control and avoiding emotional outbursts.
Powerful sermon on humility Dr. Morecraft explains that wealth, abilities and ingenuity cannot provide protection and security. Those who look to such things are trusting in figments of their imagination. Instead, only by loving the name of the Lord can people find safety.