Great Sermon! This is great preaching, Pastor Chalan and a great blessing on the wonderful Resurrection of Christ for His people. Thank you for your faithfulness. May there be much fruit from your labours.
Love in Christ, English Rose
Great Sermon! Excellent biblical truth presented, a truth that many gnash their teeth at. God elects some unto salvation, others for reprobation. How grateful should the elect be to this gracious, merciful God who has shown such great mercy?
Great Sermon! Yes, a great gospel sermon indeed, showing clearly and distinguishing between Simon, the Pharisee, the unsaved sinner, and the true sinner in Christ. She loved much because she had much to be forgiven. One a proud Pharisee and the woman, a humble sinner.
A lesson for all. Love in Christ, English Rose
Very Relevant Message Relevant Message
Good to remind us that there is nothing new under the sun.
Good to reflect on God’s word and learn the similarities in personalities like Nimrod, Hitler, and men of renown among us even today who know how to gain our trust.
“Proud Nimrod; First the bloody chase began. A mighty hunter and his prey was men.”
Alexander Pope, 18th poet
Thus says the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusts in man, (Jer. 17:5).
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance (Psa 33:12).
Also, thank you Chalan for bringing out the truth about Darwinism. His lies has made a monkey out of many civilizations. It has affected us all; causing us to hate our brethren whether in the world, or in heavenly places. Many believers have forfeited their true inheritance.
Great Sermon! excellent truth that is much needed. Yes, there is only one race, the human race! It's sad to see so many being inoculated with evolution, which stems from the pit of hell.
Darwin's theory was just that....a 'theory'. Sinners will believe a lie over God's truth every time, to their own demise.
humbling message This message was a blessing; we forget how vile we are and how desperately we need grace and mercy. We forget it is CHRIST that cleanses us from ALL sin, and not our self-righteous prideful hearts. Humility is sorely lacking, may God truly humble His elect.
Great Sermon! This sermon by Pastor Hetherington is so Christ-exalting and glorifying, that it raises one's faith to the highest.
Make sure you hear this. It is great preaching!
Love in Christ, English Rose
Great Sermon! A most encouraging message from Pastor Chalan Hetherington, with many reminders to seek to do God's will. That is our only desire if God has saved us. We need to keep to the old paths, wherein is the right way, for truth does not change. Keep us faithful, Lord to Thee.
Love in Christ from English Rose
Excellent message How true, men do NOT save, God does. Yet, in today's 'Christendom', we have many who accredit mortal men with saving them, even when the message is tainted with works. With men, it is impossible - which is why any work, such as decisionism, invitations, walking aisles, all branches of free will - do not save.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry Chalan Hetherington, you are one of the few who tremble at His word and are faithful to our Lord in your preaching.
Great Sermon! Wonderful encouraging message from pastor Chalan, on 1 John 5:7. We prize our KJV of the Scriptures, as God has promised to preserve His Word. We know that we hold His Word in our hands and in our hearts. This verse 7 is omitted in all the modern corrupt versions. Therefore many will not understand the Holy Trinity, which is given to us who believe. Thank you Pastor for your faithfulness in preaching it.
Great Sermon! A great comforting scripture from Isaiah 54 v. 10 that though everything may seem to fall apart for us, that God still shows us His kindness, His covenant of peace and His mercy. He does not change. His mercy endures for ever.
Pastor Chalan faithfully proclaims this passage of scripture.
Do hear it. You will be encouraged.
Excellent This is excellent preaching, this message is so very much needed. So many today embrace those who are unrepentant, those who cleave to sin and make excuses for it, who hold to erroneous theology. The sin of pride is rampant today, we ALL must guard against sin!
The doctrine of biblical separation is scoffed at, many who profess Christ embrace professors of religion based on nothing more than that profession.
Worldliness- an absence of the fear of God, beginning with those who refuse to separate from others who are guilty of unrepentant sin. Well said Chalan. How rampant is this today!!
It is a blessing from God on high to hear unction-empowered preaching, it is scarce in this day. May the Lord bless you and keep you. This sermon should be listened to by ALL who make a profession of Christ.
Great Sermon! This is an excellent message, and very much needed today. I like when you stated you cannot offer salvation - this is a profound truth that most miss! Yes, salvation is of God, it is a gift, praise God those He's called to preach like Pastor Hetherington understand this.
Thank you for staying true to His word, may God richly bless your ministry.
Great Sermon! Make sure you hear this one! Very encouraging sermon on Overcoming the World, and our position in Christ.
Pastor hetherington is so faithful in bringing this vital message.
Great Sermon! This message is excellent; it gives a deeper insight into who God is. Yes, we all should be in awe of this majestic and holy God! The flippancy many have concerning the majestic God of heaven and earth is inexcusable.
May we never, ever worship God in a light hearted manner. God forbid we should do so...