Great Sermon! Your "Occult in Christian Music" video on youtube. Need anonymity so posting here. In 7 of 8 @ 6:15, all wearing #33 (a degree, not a coincidence). Clothing chosen by their label. Are they throwing sign of horns (quickly)? Above ankh is top view of pyramid with no capstone. Interesting necklace. In 8 of 8 @55sec, back wall (behind bed) lighting altered, check for skull or word "sex." Phallic symbol just before this. @1:50, notice hand (on hip) as she walks past, either gesture or altered or both. You're on right track. Formerly involved with so-called Christian music industry. Spirit told me to leave immediately one day. I obeyed, but puzzled why. With hindsight, can see I was too close to an ugly beast. Was too close to see it at time. Eyes fully open now. Grace toward some artists, genuinely ignorant of how they're being used. Some will answer to Christ for their crimes. So-called Christian music many secrets, so many dark secrets. Almost nothing as it seems. Occult, porn, orgies, you name it. Darkness masquerading as angels of light. Jesus warned even elect would be deceived. Christian music industry among those in lead of the deceivers, publishing houses and couple key labels at head. Occult runs like river through industry now.