Great Sermon!  Jewish holiday of Purim, from the Book of Esther is a prime biblical example you should speak of and if not understood correctly it could easily be mistaken for an old testament "purge". We would love to hear your response in comparison. Thank you we love The Briefing.
I enjoy your commentaries on our culture. I am an African American male who tries to keep up with the news (local, nation, & worldwide). I really appreciate your approach to the situation in Feeguson. I'm tempted to have a knee jerk response to the situation. I'm not a black panther type and I try to have proper biblical worldview in this situation. I liked that you said we need to what for the facts and while we wait love our neighbors. I'm appalled by the piece in the wjs you read about being unhitched. I'm still praying for Christians worldwide who are being threaten by the sword.
Yes, they've already infiltrated the schools. Sadly, many parents aren't even aware that it is happening because they're so distracted with other stuff. Lord, help. Amen
Appreciate you "Gestational carrier"? The devastating results of Evilution (aka Devilution) which is sadly still being taught in Govt schools as truth, when in fact it is a lie straight out of Hell. The brainwashing of our children into adulthood continues as even those who are aware are actually afraid to even click Like on a Facebook post that sheds light on the issue to help get the word out to others. Smh
Important! This commentary rebuts and clarifies the false media reports and liberal commentary that this ruling treats "corporations as persons". No, only closely-held family owned corporations that do not issue public stock! Religious liberty is most justly defended by this ruling.
End of the world? They want less people. That's why there are so many shows, movies and books about viruses and the end of humanity.
Not because we want it, or we think about it.
Great Sermon! Where on earth will we Christians live in peace? Everywhere we go the homosexual community is seeping out into public with no restraints on them. Could we have two or three segregated state or
Well..... same sex marriage is being pushed by the government and not the majority of americans. judges are usurping the will and law of the people. I am not so convinced about marijuana. the media is adding in the acceptance of marijuana use and the government is not protecting the people by honestly telling them the truth about its use.
Rejected! This homosexual marriage law has today been found to be unconstitutional by the high court of Australia! As such all those that rushed to get married in the A.C.T will have their marriages made null and void. Good news.