Good sermon--powerful Cuts to the heart of American Christianity--phariseeism exposed, test of outward prosperity and false righteousness through pretended pious use of money proved worthless measures of godliness.
Too much thought of buildings, being a (re)publican, pretended ministries requiring much money, titles, and outward appearance--based upon modern measures, not even historical ones. God abominates such measures. Christians in history were often poor, persecuted, counted political enemies of Kings and governors, sometimes living in caves, wanderers, separated from spouses and children due to Christian convictions, forsaken by friends, and hated by the false churches and religious enemies. Such were the characteristics of Christian during times of church today. Modern Christianity looks too good, but is not. Time for "violent pressing into the Kingdom" and out of the apostacy of modern Christendom. If everyone were convinced of this they would flee immediately, and make revolutionary change, which would disturb the many who are asleep in formalities. "Men of violence take it by force", the reaction that disturbs others.
Listen to this sermon, and consider...
God always keeps His appointments! I was meditating on this morning's family worship chapter and Job's words(42:2) 'I know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden from thee' timely providential and appointed of God that I should then come across this sermon on sermonaudio!
I am reminded that God has set His own calendar...if like myself you are waiting upon God for His deliverence in the days of trouble, special help, provision or specific guidence etc; then this truly is a sermon of great encouragement to wait and continue waiting and trusting HIM who works all things according to His own purpose and pleasure... "at the time appointed".
Thank you Rev Einwechter for an excellent message.
Psalm 62: 5 and Jeremiah 29: 11...trusting God's special promises...knowing The Lord will provide.
Basic and Beautiful Thank you so much for this message! It's all too easy as we grow in our faith to think that the gospel is for the unsaved alone; or that since the gospel is 2000 years old, it has gone out to the nations and doesn't need to be as much of a focus as does theonomy and reconstruction. The gospel is every bit as much a part of God's Law-Word as the Ten Commandments and their civil implications. The gospel saves people unto lawful living. As a theonomic reconstructionist, I see the error of leaving out the basics in the preaching of many theonomists. All Christians (no matter what their position on theonomy) should love hearing the gospel at all times. And all preachers should love to preach it. It is evident that through his preaching, Rev Einwechter loves God's Law-Word as he preaches the gospel!
A Wonderfully Refreshing, Convicting Message This message explained the Rom 14:1-4 passage beautifully, and this is one of those sermons and Bible verses that Christians should listen to and read over and over in order to remind us to be patient with our brothers and sisters with differing views within the faith. When we find ourselves being haughty regarding our distinctives, we need to be reminded that God accepts us and that we must accept others. This is no easy task, but it must be done. Thank you so much for this beautiful exortation!
Great Sermon! I was thoroughly blessed listening to this covenantally rich sermon. With great conviction, exhortation and humility, Reverend Einwechter communicates the importance of family government, and his commitment to allowing discussion of his sermons with other heads of households, realizing the preacher is not infallible and needs to be sharpened by his brothers.
It is so very important for men to interact with the preacher! All too often, women speak out, and the men sit back and say nothing. Reverend Einwechter does a wonderful job explaining the critical need for men to interact with the preacher and for women to learn in submission and ask their husbands for their own covenantal protection.