Great Sermon! Listened to all sermons from angelology to demonology. What an education - they've increased my faith n my awareness of the world we live in.
Uplifting Sermon! You'll be encouraged when you hear that God's word gives you strength during hard times. You'll feel the positive feelings of Paul when he heard the good news about the Thessalonians and how they were growing in Jesus Christ. We all need this kind of good news, especially during these negative days in which we're living. Get closer to Jesus as the Rapture nears.
Powerful Sermon! Brother David gives an outstanding message that will bless your heart. When we see that the Thessalonians were doing all they can to continually grow in Jesus Christ, we will get strength to do the same and be ready for the Rapture every day our life. This is a message to hear again and be strengthened.
Wonderful Sermons! So far I've gotten to Romans 4, so I've
heard a decent number of messages and they all are excellent for learning. I especially like the detail that Bro. Thompson shows us. Each one gives me a deeper insight into the Holy Bible.
Thank you Paul, and thank you Jesus Christ.
THANK you! Thank you so much for challenging our churches to Christ-like, practical faith. My generation needs these and similar challenges to stir our hearts to biblical faith and zeal for God's kiingdom, especially in this dark age before His coming. Keep doing what your doing, brother. I'm looking forward to listening to the rest of these and then challenging myself and my local brethren to "faith and good works" in Christ.
Your sister,
Veronika, age 21
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for this message, God blessed me, I didn't understand all the sermon,I have to progress in English language, but I understood the principal things I had to listen. God bless you.
Great Sermon! I've had the pleasure to attend Texas Corners Bible Church for several months now and after visiting many churches prior, in my opinion the teaching is the MOST BIBLE CENTERED teaching in the whole area. That being said this sermon which I've listened to at church and now off the internet again is the most STRAIGHT FORWARD, CONCISE, and BEST sermon on the doctrine of election that I've ever heard. In sinful ignorance I actually wrote a paper in college against the doctrine of election. After studying the Bible, the Holy Spirit showed me the truth and my error over a period of some time. Though I know the truth now, listening to this was really refreshing. Just plain Truth taken from Romans ch. 9, not watered down, not softened, not seeker-friendly. For anyone struggling with the Doctrine of Election, Listen to this message!
Great Sermon! This introduction to 1 Peter floods my heart with a deep burden to listen harder and learn more. It's direct and straight to the point with no compromises to truth spoken. The Apostle Paul said to speak The WORD boldly. Though GOD is love, He's also serious about disobedience. Thank you! GOD BLESS!
Great Sermon! Excellent teaching here! The audio quality is great! It engages the hearing, mind, heart and soul to full capacity, no room for wavering thoughts. Any preacher/teacher that can hold my attention in this manner is truly good, this is learning at its best! PRAISE GOD! Thank you. GOD BLESS YOU! I am extremely grateful.