Great Sermon! Hi Mr Doner, glad to see you were able to get a good copy up on Jude of Sanctified by God. I'm in the midst of an 9 sermon series on Jude, I just preached the intro. I'm not oredained, but a Lay minister at our church in NJ. We're very close to what would be called Reformed Baptist, although we differ in a few small areas. If you'd ever like to listen to my intro its on SA at our church site. Bread of Life fellowship, I'm Jim Montesano. I'm also going through Gen, I just dealt with ch 34, a very difficult chapter, but the brethren were edified by God's grace. Well, thanks again for being faithful to the Word, I like your sereis on Jude, at least the few I listened to. Grace to you, Jim Montesano
Good coverage on the invisibility of God Hi Max,
Have one question. What is your take on the original Greek word teleioo in 1 John 4:12? You seem to interpret it as a process of maturing in agape love. Something that Christians grow in over the years. As they grow they become more complete or perfect in their sharing of God's sacrificial love. I Was wondering if the word does not indicate a more completed example of God's love made manifest in his people? The reason I ask this question because when a variant of this word is used by Christ on the cross, "It is finished", it conveys the idea of completely accomplishing what God had sent him to do, namely our salvation. Growing in love has the idea of the process sanctification built into it. Completeness has the idea of assurance and confidence being where God wants us to be in our relationship with Him and others.
Would enjoy your response.
Great Sermon! Pastor Doner frequently presents familiar scriptures in a new and surprising way. He gleans unique personal applications in unusual places.
Pastor Doner talks about some reasons children leave home before they should. Even though it brought back many painful memories I felt like he was "telling my story" and this somehow brought a measure of comfort and acceptance. I would often question God why if I was an elect person I did not have a better upbringing so I could be a better person. Apparently many of God's elect in the Bible did not have the best family situations. Thank you
Practical! Additional thoughts. Listen seriously about the politicization of homosexuality discussed in this message and their turning government to their defense, and their hateful persecution of Christians or any who oppose.
In hearing about the destruction of Sodom toward the end of this, it brought to mind that Mount St. Helens had an earthquake in early 2011. It erupted and blew its top in 1980 covering Portland in ash, the same year the "Gay rights" group Dignity started there.
The entire west coast is a range of volcanoes from Washington to California, as well as one of the most earthquake active faults in the world. Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed by brimstone and fire raining down, were located near "tar pits", "salt", and other post-Flood attributes of geological upheaval. God's hand is not shortened, neither does he change, and the stage is observably set should he choose to smite again in similar fashion. 1980 could be a warning. Remember Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius.
Very Practical Sermon! Listen and hear the very practical points made during this sermon. There are many. It is impossible to prevent homosexuality from its aggressive expansion if we "tolerate" it (upon command). Look and note the aggressiveness of Sodomites, today as well as then. Chrysostom said when they are in majority they become violent toward those who dissent or accuse them of sin.
Now think about this. Was it not our last generations that bowed to "living together" (living in sin, fornication, mocking marriage and God) since the 1960s and 70s? And what has been the result? The same will happen with homosexuality.
Are any Christians, who are supposed to be righteous, "vexed" in soul about the current generation? "Righteous Lot" was vexed, an evidence of righteousness.
Listen to the tactics used by homosexual activists presently, blatant infiltration to get children to join them. They are infiltrating and hijacking government at all levels to serve their purpose.
Great Sermon! At the moment I really need wisdom and answers!I live in South-Africa and I can tell you that Apartheid and racism amongst the white Reformed Afrikaans(Cristian?)communities is alive and well and still living in this country with it's terrible history!I am white woman and a teacher.My heart is broken and I keep on being angry!! My neighbours all around me cannot tolerate it that I mix with coloured people and even make biting and sarcastic remarks, even though these (coloured) people are my sisters and brothers in Christ. Am I mixing righteous anger with personal anger?
Great Sermon! I really am in agreement with Pastor Doners teaching and delivery on Proverbs, This is not taught in most churches in the area i live and i have been sharing with people to remove the thought that by listening to the truth and not looking at the physical or carnal that keeps them in bondage.
Great Preaching! Good work Pastor Max,
May God give us the grace to stand immovable as Christ did throughout all of His temptations. May we seek to please God above any pleasures that this world has to offer us. Oh God, that we would seek to be like your Son Jesus.
In Christ,
A Greater than Jonah is Here! Christ's Obedience to God, Sacrifice of Himself, Resurrection, Message, and Results are so much greater than Jonah's. Christ has the sacrifice that has delivered us from the storm of God’s wrath.
Amen Max!
Praise God! Thank you so much for the first three sermons of this series.
Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law does he meditate day and night. Psalm 1:1-2
Praise God for the Love He has given us for Him, and also for our enemies.
In Christ,
Wow! It does not get any better than this! Uncommonly accurate and powerful preaching! What love God has given you for Christ and His Church. This series has been such a blessing to my family.
(Psa 84:10) For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
What a presentation of the Gospel! Jesus came to take away sins; not only with reference to their punishment, but also with reference to their practice. When Jesus takes away the punishment from you, He also takes away the practice of sin. If he takes away the one, he will take away the other... if he has not taken away the practice, he has not taken away the punishment.
The repentant person says I want to be clean and pure!
Amen Pastor Max
Unashamed Truth! In a world where truth is considered relative and Biblical Christians are considered bigots, it is easy for Christians to silence themselves from speaking the Truth to avoid persecution. This sermon details, from the Bible, how we as Christians should live in a time where evil is allowed to rule.
As Jesus said,
"I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!" Luke 12:4-5
Great Sermon! This is the first sermon I've heard by Pastor Doner, and I really have to say amen and amen. I teach at a high school in New York City, an ocean of liberalism and atheism. The faculty honored me by electing me to a school policy committee consisting of parents, students, teachers, and the principal and one other administrator.
This body in turn elected me as their Chairman last year. As a born again Christian (Reformed Baptist)I had to make some tough decisions. I composed the agendas for our meetings, and put on as one item cross-dressing day in our school. Imagine we actually had a senior day dedicated to cross-dressing by senior males! I argued before this committee that the school should never sponsor such a day. Finally, the matter was dropped as a "non-issue" and the principal said the school neither endorsed the day nor could stop it, but it was wholly a student choice. I also put on the agenda various lascivious statements that had appeared in the student newspaper as "Valentine's messages." Even the president of the PTA said he thought the messages I considered offensive were "cute." So, I found it very encouraging to hear Pastor Doner's comments about standing up against politically correct wickedness. As a follow-up, I will tell you that I was not re-elected.
I am not ashamed of THE GOSPEL! An outstanding biblical analysis of Baptism and its relationship to the Gospel. While baptism is absolutely critical for any believer, it does not save or regenerate anyone. Baptism is not part of the Gospel or Good News of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Paul was not called by God to baptize, but to preach the Gospel and baptize those who respond with repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ alone! Amen Pastor Max!
Thank you so much!! I am only three sermons in and I have already been so blessed by this series. I have struggled with anger for so long and this message has been an answer to prayer for me. Praise God for moving you to teach this lesson.