Christian worldview. Necessity of having a Christian worldview. Christians must think biblically. The foundation of our thinking must be the words of Jesus. Good introduction.
Christ as Mediator. The title and the text of the sermon are wrong. The text is 1 Timothy 2:5-7 and the message is about Christ as Mediator. Christ as Priest, Prophet and King.
Marriage, Christian style. Excellent, healthy introduction to this book. Motives for studying The Song of Songs. We need a Biblical thinking about marriage.
Strategies for Forward Movement with Christ Wow! I've been listening to Pastor Kevin Swanson on Generations Radio for a long time. However, this is the first sermon I listened to. Truthfully, it's a life-changing experience. My pastor preached today about an active witness and the church militant. Kevin's sermon took that idea to the next level. I can't really give a "review" of this sermon. I can only think that it has the power in it the way those sermons of George Whitefield or John Wesley must have had power. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Thank you Kevin Swanson.
Convicting but Good Yet another passionate plea for holiness among those who name the name of Christian. Thanks Kevin for challenging us all and your love for the lost.
Intro message is much needed! If you're looking to here a faithful watchman on the wall sounding the alarm to the flock. Just when I think all the pastors in America are lulled to sleep, I hear this message about the coming persecution and I'm so encouraged that others see it and are getting prepared.
Super Practical Sermon! If you are looking at practical ways to live a biblical lifestyle that will get us through these tough times also, then click on this message.
Let those who have ears hear this powerful Sermon! Thank God for Pastor Swanson, who is willing to preach God's TRUTH. This is an absolutely powerful message and Christians need to hear it and pray, pray, pray! These times are SERIOUS that we live in. Believe it!
Truths that Transform! This sermon is both counter cultural and highly biblical. Be warned though! This is highly convicting material and will bring about intense desires to change your worldview. Kevin Swanson is a mighty tool in the hand of our Sovereign God. He is highly engaging, witty, funny and a joy to listen to. I can't wait to go visit his OPC church someday. Keep them coming Kevin!
Great Sermon! Interesting, informative teaching!
When somethings falls or falls apart
in our lives, we must still KNOW that
God is in control. This lesson is one
of the most difficult to learn.
Sound Doctrine We have recently been discussing Polygamy on the site, and Kevin Swanson here deals with it as sin.
Three people cannot become one in marriage, only two can as established by God and confirmed by Jesus in the NT. Polygamy is a perversion of the oneness. This message by Kevin is about compromising on sin, both in us and around us in society. He brings a strong Biblical case against that sinful compromise. There is too much compromise in the Church today. That compromise breeds sinful consequences, and that is dangerous.
Thankyou Mr. Swanson for an excellent and very timely message.
Great Sermon! Please listen to this sermon! What do we have in the American Evangelical Church today? We've got money, celebrity apostate preachers, carnal megachurches, entertainment, and juvenile self-help books! The PCUSA and the American Episcopal Church are leading this apostasy via the endorsement of abortion, sodomite ministers and corrupt bible translations! However, Pastor Kevin sheds light on the larger issue...the unregenerate heart!