The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God Thanks for preaching the Word! The love of God is certainly assumed by many and studied by few. The result has been a very strong held belief of the unconditional love of God for all people with little Biblical basis or clarity. For a very careful exegetical study on the love of God I would commend to you a short book by D.A. Carson. You can find the book on Amazon at this link,
Blessings brother!
You're a blessing, brother. I already saw the video of your preaching that day, and for this clip, and also read the transcript of your interrogation, which was surreal. Despite the circumstances, the witness you showed was almost Pauline, and testifying Christians need to remember it because it may come in handy. One of my preaching brothers and I discussed this in church yesterday morning, along with the preachers who were attacked at the Gay Pride festival in Seattle. God answered our prayers for protection when we preached at the festival here, but my pastor's current sermon series on God's chastening of His people has convicted me that things will get worse before they get better. I pray that all the elect are following this and that the apostate churches see this and come to conviction and repentance. May God continue to bless your preaching, brother, and welcome back home.
Pastors Need to Hear This! I might say not only do Pastors need to hear this but any one of us that dares attending a Bible Believing and Preaching Church, because if the state is God than bow down to the state and obey it in all its dictates BUT if the Lord Jesus Christ is God be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that we might go out into the world, faithfully doing the will of God in His grace and the power the filling of the Holy Spirit gives us.
Great Sermon! This is a powerful message and a very important one for us as Christians. Even such things as sighing over difficulties without saying anything, are a form of grumbling and complaining. 'Rejoice in the Lord always!'
Great Sermon! Thanks so much for this sermon. "Look at the clinician who is about to administer a Haldol body shot and say 'you have no right to sedate me against my will' and he or she will hive you that Haldol body shot.
Excellent! Thank you for your exposure of the BSA. My oldest daughter is treasurer for my son's cub scout troop. A survey was sent to all leaders and she said that 60% were opposed to this decision, but the 40% prevailed. I have pulled my son from his troop and she has resigned as treasurer. The bullying tactics and hate speech of the sodomite lobby is unbelievable and our satanic media is their pr firm. It seems the LGBT infiltrates godly organizations and if they can't change policy, they legally shut them down. I believe that the persecution of Christians will be at the hands of these "tolerant" ones. It is time for Christians to find their backbone and BOLDLY stand up for the truth!
Strong Sermon! Brother Mike lays it out -- our need to deny self-love and anything else that focuses on ourself. Today's church is in denial and error when it preaches on how we can develop ourselves to get the most out of life -- go for the most for ourselves -- be all you can be. In truth we should become a slave for Jesus Christ -- we should spend our life to bring Glory to God -- to help spread the Gospel. God will reward us in heaven for our Christian works.
Great Sermon! Amen, bro! Thank you for posting this, because now I am going to look up abortuarys here in NYC and stand against it. Please pray that we will be able to save some babies from murder. Your zeal is an encouragement, and I thank God that there are people who are preaching the Gospel and trying to save lives. I pray that Jesus will save this man that assaulted you.
Response Paul16135 - Everyone has the right and obligation to speak the truth regarding abortion. It is murder, and murder has nothing to do with a woman's "rights," but everything to do with the right to life of the child. God has made clear in His Word that murder is sin, therefore we have a moral obligation to stand for the rights of the unborn.
Interesting..but As a man I have no rights to speak about abortion. Only women can pass comment surely? As a man I cannot be responsible for one. Or am I wrong?
Convicted God bless you Tony for your faithfulness and compassion. This is a powerful recording that I hope to be in much prayer and action for those who choose or are involved in murdering children.
Great Program! Excellent program! After listening to Mr. Storm's testimony, my prayers are for a new reformation in Norway and the success of the conference Mr. Miano is speaking at this week. Also, I greatly appreciate the Biblical response to the tragedy at Sandy Hook... I hope others will listen to this program.