Great Blessings fr. God's Word today 12-21-08 "...for God now accepteth thy works." What a blessing to be given that knowledge of Christ's salvation through His precious blood, that the compelation of my rejoicing comes from that given faith to believe that Christ's imputed righteousness, God accepted my works and therefore make my heart merry not only in this earthly life but in life to come, when He comes back to bring me to His eternal glory to Whom I was joined forever.
Sound Preaching Thank you Pastor Pickett for making your sermons avaliable to those of us who are isolated by providence, and unable to find any sound preaching that we recognize as that which is annointed by God, and so this is a large gift of encouragement and support to us.
Great Sermon! This sermon has led me to realize how dreadful sin is. When you see against whom you have committed it, IT IS MORE DREADFUL. It produces hopelessness, not in God's mercy, but in self. HOPELESSNESS IN SELF WILL BE THE SURE EFFECT. I REALIZE the initial step in the life of a Christian, the initial step toward heaven by a pilgrim, what is it? IT IS DEATH. For how can I take the second step, faith in the Lord Jesus, if I never take this first step? How can I be a believer in redemption, if I am not first a believer in my bondage and my sins? And if I never mourn over sin in me, how can I ever come to rejoice in Christ Jesus?
A Comforting Sermon Pastor Pickett:
What a blessing this sermon was to my soul! Thank you for expounding upon this portion of Scripture, and so showing me the lovely portrait of Christ typified by the ark into which Noah and his family were bid to come in! The design;the door;the window; the pitch;the invitation. All of God.
I can well remember, in a time of great affliction through sickness . . when doubts, fears, uncertainties, anxieties seemed to be my portion, when this storm of life caused me much torment, distress and unrest, both in body and in soul. How often did my cry go up to God . ."What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."
Ps. 56:3) Though I confess initially I did not see it as such, over the course of the illness I realized that the Lord had ordained these things for my good, that through my sickness, and the seclusion it imposed upon me, he might "shut me in with Him", for it was then I clearly heard the "still small voice" inviting ME to come unto Christ, the ark of the Covenant into which by faith, I too have been embraced, and have truly have found rest for my weary soul!
Now in retrospect I can say with the psalmist . . .
"it is good for me that I have been afflicted;
Ps. 119:71a
I thank my God, that I like Noah, have found grace in the sight of God!
A Most Memorable Sermon Once again Pastor Pickett you have done our souls much profit through the foolishness of preaching. Thank you for your tireless labour in the gospel, for we would have you know, it is not in vain!
Your sermon caused us both to consider afresh the time in each of our experiences, when God in his good pleasure, saw fit to bring us to that beginning of true wisdom, even the fear of the Lord, and with that a goodly heritage.
Ps. 16:5-7; Ps. 61:5
How good it is then to be "walking in the fear of the Lord", for it is to those, He also gives the "comfort of the Holy Ghost." Acts 9:31
An Edifying Sermon Once again Pastor Pickett,
we bless our God for the access we have to your Gospel Ministry on SermonAudio, a ministry marked by "sound doctrine" and "wholesome words". We acknowledge we have much to learn of Christ, but with so gifted an Instructor in Christ as God has given us, we are confident that under your tuteledge, we will grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Phil 1:6)
What a solemn thought indeed that out of Christ, our God is a consuming fire, but thanks be to God though we were dead trees upon whom the axe of God's wrath could have fallen, yet in His mercy, we are become "trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified." Is. 61:1-3
Christ, the very Tree of Life has been set in our midst, and in Him we are now rooted and being built up. (Col. 2:6-7)
We truly are amongst those whom the Lord calls "blessed."
Being conformed to His image . .
June & Ralph
Great Sermon! In this sermon speaks of the Apostle John's love of the Truth and his hatred for the lies of false gospel doctrine which stands out in his heart. The sermon emphasized the evidence of true conversion by a constant walk in the love of Truth and in the interest of Christ and hearing that "my children" walk in truth expressed John's affection and chiefest joy. What an awesome exposition of the "Great Shepherd's" affection in this epistle.
A Very Soul Searching Sermon Pastor Pickett:
As you say, "true religion is not a light and frothy thing". Sadly though, many preachers by the levity in which they preach, do lead many to regard it as just that . . a light thing! Thanks be to God that the Spirit of God rests upon your preaching, and as such you treat these matters with the solemnity, seriousness, and sobriety with which they are to be considered.
I thank "My God" too for showing me the sinfulness of my sins and of my lost condition and fallen estate, but with that, in His time, graciously revealing His Son to me, whom I have indeed found to be my "hiding place."
Thank you for giving me a fresh reminder of the glorious nature of the deliverance God has wrought for me in salvation. Like David, I have experienced God's heavy hand upon me before I acknowledged and confessed my sins, and have been made sensible of my sins . . my inquities . . my transgressions, indeed have been made to feel tormented by them, grieved by them and sorrowful over them. Yet by grace I too have been brought to confess them, and can declare w/David:
"I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.
For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell." Psalm 86:12-13
A most solemn Sermon! Pastor Pickett:
My husband and I wanted you to know how very blessed we were by this message. Your exposition of this verse in Amos was most instructive. I must say I had long puzzled over it in time past, but like a surgeon, you very precisely opened up the meaning of the text, and made it plain to both of us.
The solemnn and careful manner in which you deliver the message is most effective. Your repetition of the verse . . "Amos, what seest thou?" throughout the sermon, and the pauses you make thereafter, give the hearer time to thoughtfully reflect on both the verse and the explanation you give to it. It is most effective.
We found it especially encouraging as well to know that in this day when the spirit of Amaziah is very much abroad, that God, in His mercy, has been pleased to raise up a servant of the Lord like yourself, who in the spirit of Amos, and in accordance with God's plumbline, the Word of God, faithfully declares the burden of the Lord, that He would have "His people" hear!
We will make good use of this fresh means of grace that the Lord has availed us through your preaching.
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."
Jer. 3:15
Great Sermon! This sermon reflects that Jesus Christ, is the Great Treasure,"PEARL OF GOD" given by the endearing love of the Father to those whom He had chosen and born to be His. Christ the "Pearl in my heart". What He had given will be forever given and will never be lost. It is eternal. What awesome thing to know. The glory belongs to HIM, God Holy! Immortal! Infinite.
Great Sermon! A mighty deliverance indeed! Listened with such intensity and awe. Spirit-filled types and pictures of our salvation. Awesome explanation of the fire and water. Jesus' compassion to hear the cry of one of His afflicted ones.
Great Sermon! Powerful sermon! A much needed encouragement to seek the Lord in prayer in all things. A promise that God will hear and answer. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this wonderful sermon! Be sure to hear this one! Gospel Mission Books has been a wonderful blessing to me over the years. They have been faithful to the true gospel of God's wonderful sovereign grace
and everlasting love!...Jer. 31:3.
Another excellent sermon I am hesitant to post a comment for any one sermon from Pastor Pickett; I have found all of the ones to which I have listened, to be incredibly edifying, comforting, and needful (and I have listened to many).
Nonetheless, for anyone who (by God's grace) sees their own desperate need for a saviour, and who hungers and thirsts after Christ and His righteousness, and yet finds themselves questioning their interest in the precious blood of the Lamb, I wanted to share just how comforting I found this sermon to be. Like so many others, it was a real blessing.
Wonderful Sermon of Hope Most merciful grace of GOD. "The very prospect encourages us to go on." For our hope is beyond this world and fixed on Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Precious Sermon Precious Doctrine, Precious Sermon.
O to be made a poor beggar that Jesus Christ might be our Everything. And that by faith we lean upon His merits alone. Awesome Gospel!
Great Sermon! Glorious comforting truth as it is in Jesus. Blessings and praise be to our GOD for Jesus Christ. Thank you for such an encouraging word to us this morning as we start a new day. He is all glorious in grace, all glorious in riches, all glorious in love to supply all our needs now and throughout all eternity.