Great Sermon! Well Nicholas, sometimes it comes down more to what you want to believe rather than what the actual truth is. I overcame my own upbringing in dispensationalism by praying for the Lord to give me the TRUTH, whether I like it or not. I can say now, many years later, that I have never been so sure of ANYTHING, as I am that dispensationalism is a ridiculous, illogical, unbiblical and nonsensical system of belief that I am embarrassed to have ever held to. I don't ask you to choose one or the other, just to pray to God for the whole truth and nothing but the truth concerning the subject. God Bless!
Great Sermon! This is just what I needed to hear. It exposes what lust does to a person and shows how dangerous a person can be of losing salvation. But most of all it tells you how to escape it's clutches. It is easy to interpret the Bible in your own way to fit your pleasure when you continuously give in to temptation but here in this sermon is a recap of stuff I should know and have known before. Now I feel equipped to turn away from this stuff more than i have done in years
restaurcion resibi el correo que me enviaron donde me informo el hno. Esteban que el hermano juan boonstra ya esta descansando en los brazos de nuestro señor jesucristo lamento mucho, resibi su correo por lo cual estoy muy agradecido, le vuelvo a escribir ya que tengo una inquietud muy grande aserca de los mensajes del hn. juan boostra que descanse en paz, ya que esos sermones han ganado miles de almas aqui en mi pais de guatemala el deseo de mi corazon es tener en mis aberes,los mensajes gravados y reproducirlos en las emisoras locales de mis pais de guatemala, que yo estaria en disposicionde pagar los espacios con tal de que se siga transmitiendo ese mensaje de poder , aunque nuestro hermano juan boonstra haya muerto, pero sus sermones estan vivos, en lo ultimo caso seria el libro que me menciono el hermano Esteban tengo años de quererme comunicarme y esta lo logre si hubieran algun numero telefonico para comunicarme con ustedes estare muy agradecido, estare esperndo en su pronta respuesta att. eick ricardo chen que nuestro señor Jesucristo le bendiga hoy y siempre. gracias.
Great Sermon! hola saludos quisiera que me dieran alguna informacion sobre como comunicarne con el hn. juan boonstra para poder enviar alguna invitacio para una cruzada, ya que he escuchado sus sermones para mi es de mucha bendicion, escucho en el internet.estare esperando sus respuesta att. erick ricardo chen correo electronico:,
siga adelante. gracias.
Heralding His Word. God called His ministers to be His ambassadors heralding with His authority His message! The church must give priority to the preaching of the Word of the Master.
Merciful God. A lesson in hardness of heart and repentance. The point that really touched my heart is that God, the Most Holy, the Perfect Judge, The All-Powerful, gives time to repent to the king, gives him a year! I understood that God is not obliged to give us time to repent, but that His dealings with us are all grace!
Serving the Lord from the heart. A message that blessed my heart. I understand that I was wrong when I said to the churches that they must pray that the pews may fill with people. God wants the churches to be filled with people willing to serve Him. I asked for too little! The example of David and his people giving freely to the Lord moved me. Thank you for the message!
Excellent Warning! We say that a lot of sermons on Sermon Audio are "must hearing." I know not how it is with other men, but these sermons IMHO should be rated as URGENT hearing. But as the title suggests, all men are in this warfare - though Increase Mather warned on his death bed, most men are not even half awake. I have never heard of this pastor before, but any pastor who quotes Jonathan Edwards on the Religious Affections, Thomas Chalmers, and John Howe in the first ten minutes of a sermon certainly knows what feathers are necessary to guide the Biblical arrows of application between the breastplate and right to the heart. Thanks so much for helping us!
Bible lessons from Calvin's life. Attractive, spiritual presentation of some aspects of Calvin's life together with Bible texts and biblical lessons. Not only information for the mind, but food for the soul!
Great Sermon!(27th on my odyssey) Thankyou dear brother Dr.Adams for this challenging.interesting and edifying sermon. I am on an odyssey ,listening to a sermon from each book of the Bible,by a speaker whom i have not heard before. This is a blessed venture. May the Lord be pleased to bless your ministry to the glory of His name.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this sermon! It warmed my heart. It was so great a discovery to know that Satan is surprised when sees the grace given by God to us! It was a blessing for me!
Very Relevant & Important Dr. Adams exposes the lies being told today about Mary Magdalene and urges all of us to actively refute the attacks of the Devil on the true history of the church. The real message of Mary Magdalene is Jesus has risen from the grave not the sacred feminine side of God.
Excellent Message! Thank you for this wonderful sermon
about one of my favorite Bible verses...Romans 11:33!
Praise God for preachers like this one who can still shed some tears now and then in the presence of his people! That shows how much love he has for others.
Jesus also wept. It is not a sign of weakness, but compassion and love for others.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this wonderful message!
I love this story in John chapter nine!
Yes, once I was also blind, but now I see, praise God!
Salvation is of the Lord!