A Powerful Work! The speaker does a marvelous job showing why we should trust the infallible Word over fallible scientists and believe the six days of Genesis are actually six days.
Excellent Teaching A Great lecture for anyone that is trying to reach the lost in our current times. This explains very clearly how the younger generation is brainwashed by evolution and why they reject the gospel when it is presented to them. He also has a good solution!!!
Great Sermon! Very good lecture. It is needed today, and pray we can spread the good news of Genesis in this land which also has ignored God's word.
Great Sermon! This sermon is an excellent overview of the true facts and circumstances of the Scopes Trial as compared to Inherit the Wind, a film that is a lie from beginning to end. Inherit the Wind's misrepresentation of the people involved, the issue being litigated, and, in particular, its slander against William Jennings Bryan never ceases to amaze me. For anyone who has seen the movie and wants to know the true facts, this sermon would be a great place to begin.
Great Sermon! Amazing lecture! If you are seeking some excellent information on the flood, xreation, sinosaurs, "cavemen", Cain, age of the earth, etc....then please listen! Thanks Ken Ham. Your are truly a gifted teacher.