These messages are a great blessing not to be missed Dear Brother Dr Jim Phillips, I want you to know that each and every the messages you share on the World Wide Web are a great blessing to all who take the time to listen. I have been richly bless by the Word that you share with us. God bless you Brother and thank you
You are not alone Dear Brother Dr Phillips, I'm not always able to comment because I am usually driving while listening to your messages. I love all the messages you share with us and will do my best to make time to comment more frequently. I value your prayers and thank you for often mentioned my name and Wales. I am making slow progress with my Greek studies and with your reading from the Greek Bible I hope to gain a vocabulary of Greek words. All the best and our Lord richly bless and keep you my dear Brother. Greetings from Wales ps I've just shared this message on my Facebook account
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great update Good job you kept those tomato plants inside the pickup truck. The wind sounds cold... I hope you all get to enjoy a good summer from now on.
Great Sermon! These messages from Matthew & the Greek New Testament are Fantastic. They are a must for serious Bible students. Thank you Dr Jim for doing this series of messages.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.
Great Sermon! Bro. Dieter Bergstrasser was my pastor for several years. He set my feet on solid ground. I am forever thankful and with great honor and humility I am honored to place these great messages out for all to hear. He lived what he preached.