Silly love spells, not so silly if you are 12yrs old. I am old now. I was 12 yrs young then. 50 cent "Dell" book of spells at the 7-11 and I opened my spirit to a world that makes it hard fore to give all to god. I am saved. I have heard gods spirit and felt his presence since I was young. But.... I still Cannot surrender to the call. Not like I should do. I struggle inside daily with what I know is real and yet can't break free. Many false paths did I explore before I came full circle to my god. He was always with me. To know that you have been in the places I have been is a blessing for me. I have the memories. I know what happened. I repented with each rebellion opus choice. I pray to be led to more of this truth as it is shared by all who struggle like I am. I am saved. I will try always and seek willingness to surrender all. I don't understand but I am walking by faith. Jesus is not yet real to me as a personal loving friend and savior. This is where I am today I'my Christian walk. I have never wanted to know Jesus more than I do today. With out this I am stuck. Yet I will never give up and never give in to the demons of my childhood. I Let them in. I wanted the power that was promised. Self hypnosis, levitation, calling on the dead, meditation and spirit guides, crystals, shamanism, soul travel, courses on miracles, magic, m
Great Sermon! Ooh this series is awesome so far!!
I also have a story to tell. We're going over cults in class and someone asked what a Moonie was and I was able to give an awesome response to that question.
Another thing, I got so mad in class today because (again about cults) we were watching a video from Ted Talks by a guy. I was like please don't bring God into this, and he brought in God and this guy was insulting creationism, and I was angry and facepalming. All he said was that basically, "Creationists have no logic besides it was a miracle.
Great Sermon! In my high school psychology class we studied something that involved meditation one week, and I remember the teacher tried to make us meditate one morning. I sat there and prayed instead.
Great Sermon! I think I got read a version of the Circle Maker in elementary school. Obviously just as a weird fairy tale not like a religious things but still.....
Great Sermon! This is an awesome podcast!!! I love all the scientific stuff.
It's like I asked my chemistry teacher, "How did the Big Bang Theory supposedly happen if they can't make it happen in labs." Kind of unrelated but related
Yup I grew up on Georgian bay and my father was always a amateur fossil hunter/collector from his young adulthood. He had started out believing in evolution and after decades of this interest and study he is entirely convinced of 7-day creation and flood story. There are incredible fossils through the area, beach rock along Collingwood and memories :) I'm not here to say anything remarkable, just backing up the claims for the area as best I can :) and proud to hear it mentioned lol
Interesting and to-the-point I was amazed at the huge amount of attention the Ken Ham v. Bill Nye debate received. I watched the full debate and was honestly disappointed in it, mostly due to the fact that Bill Nye through out way too many claims and Ken Ham did not have near enough time to sort through them.
My brother and spent hours discussing possible rebuttals. For example Bill Nye mentioned the TV program in which the face of murder victims can be re-created using only skulls, therefore we should trust scientists who do this with ancient fossils supposedly recreating prehistoric men? But how can CIA recreate faces? By observing thousands of similar cases and making deductions. Obviously, there are not thousands of ancient photographs we can compare with thousands of skeletons until we observe trends and patterns needed to recreate ancient men from fossils.
There was just no way to condense all the refuting needed into 5 min blocks.
I was so glad to find that my favorite apologetic's podcast had done a series with the scientific answers to Bill Nye's claims. These podcasts were interesting, to-the-point and easy to understand. I highly recommend them to all.
Great Sermon! Hey, I just got an email about your message on Myworldview and myworldview can be stupid on my phone.
The ultrasound didn't shoe anything, so they're probably going to have to do more tests. Thanks for your prayers. :) I promise I'll let you know when I find something out.
Great Sermon! That worm story is awesome!!!
I love science. (Real science not evolution science.)
I've seen pictures of the trees going through layers.
Oh and I watched part of the debate last night and Bill Nye showed the Grand Canyon. Were the foot prints that he showed those of the "walking fish" footprints?
Thankful for This Thank you so much for bringing helpful material for apologists. My 14 year old asked me how to answer Bill Nye. I am purely a self-taught apologist and a presuppositionalist. I would not be drawn into this kind of debate about fossil records, others are more qualified. But I told him that I would immediately turn the tables and say, alright I grant your point "for the sake of argument" we will say that world is billions of years old. How does that help you Bill? You have to assume so much even to have this discussion. That time and chance acting on matter can account for cognition, intelligence, affection, or feeling. You implied - Mr. Nye - that germs and disease are problems, but given your theory they are merely part of the process and a germ is only a problem if you place a value judgment upon it. But your worldview cannot account for value judgments. Mr. Nye kept saying he wanted to study the universe to find answers about himself, if we are all alone, and other "religious" ideas, but given his world view - even those questions are irrelevant. Everything is only relevant if it has some standard outside of itself. And his worldview can't account for any such objective or moral standard.
Great Sermon! Hey, I really hope you're going to post a picture of the fish swimming through layers. I believe it happen, but I can't find a picture when I Goodsearch it.
Oh!! That reminds me! I'm sure you have to do a little Googling on these topics, and I have a better serach engine for you. donates a penny to any charity you choose for free. Advertisers will donate it for you.
I just thought that would interest you. I use it to help St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital cause I am broke and a teenager, but I like helping people.
Anyways, I would love to see a picture and maybe a list of good (preferably cheap) books on the subject...
Thanks. Love your podcasts!!!
Great Sermon! Legal abortions aren't safe anyways. Hello, Kermit Gosnell. There are websites with lists of hundreds and hundreds of women who have died from legal abortions.
Also, lots of women would never have had abortions if it wasn't legal.
The 5-10 thousand number was made up anyways. There is a quote that admita that much.