Great Sermon! If you notice: the SEVENTH COMMANDMENT is ADULTERY---it seems like many things are in the number 7. Adultery & Fornication is against the body;( it changes the future of the family line when both happen--even non 'religious'
Great Sermon! Men are becoming LAZY!! thats what i'm trying to say...all they are is sperm donors!! since they arent the HEAD, theyre NOTHING!! When homosexual marriage becomes LAW polygamy will be next!! but it would be called BIG LUUV--women will say, he LUUVS both of us and our children will be guarenteed a father instead of just a 'sperm donor' etc. David & Solomon even had it---Solomon had 1,000 women?! probaly because he was a MUSICIAN===remember Elvis and the Beatles?
Great Sermon! I thought EGALITARIANISM was between SEXES and not PEOPLE-- BTW Egalitarianism STINKS within the main culture nowadays; GIRLS are being so desperate, they are driving around their boyfriends, EVEN PRETTY GIRLS, giving guys money AND their bodies--GUYS don't have to do ANYTHING anymore but sit around and be waited on hand and foot! He dont have to do to school, she will go and give HIM the money she makes in HER career--almost like a 'pimp' this is very PAGAN at best--I think a GOOD WITNESS TODAY would be how CHRISTIAN HUSBANDS show love to their wives PUBLICALLY. I never see this anymore, just silly women hanging over the husbands/boyfriends.
Great Sermon! Pastor Young,
This is an excellent sermon, perhaps the best I have ever heard on this subject. I encourage everyone to listen to this and ponder what you said. God bless you and your ministry.
Great Sermon! For the love of God!! put those lamenting babies in the back of the church. listen, I love children. I have 6 of my own, however I don't think children should compete with the messenger of the Lord' no matter the age.
God bless you dear saints and Pastor Jason Young. I am loving the message. This is a really profound para-dime shift for my mind as it relates to the surreptitious nature of the suffrage movement. I must admit that this is a very cunning maneuver of the suffrage movement. It also appears that the Church has subordinated itself to a reactive position rather than a proactive position. Pastor Jason Young I would love to talk to you more on this issue. Give me a call when you can 815-929-1988. When you get a chance check out my website