in one previous sermon you applaude the bombing of japan in ww2 to end the war...
and yet it killed innocent women and children....
then in this sermon you take abortion, quite rightly; and say any voter supporting the candidates who are pro-abortion are damned in hell for it....
why is it ok to kill japanese babies with a bomb....but not ok to kill babies by abortion( which i do not support)....
please sir; be very consistant with your views....."thy shall not kill"
Great Sermon! Sermon preached like it oughta be from a true man of God who loves the Lord &
His True Word !!!!
Keep preachin Pastor Reg // God Bless //Keep Uz'e in my prayers!!! Charlie
Great Sermon! We need the WORD preached Like only You,Mike Hoggard; Jeremy Ballinger &only a few Udders can preach JESUS Holy Gospel:: God Bless; Charlie
Excellent Sermon! Wow!...what a powerful message... God Bless you and so candid and thank you for not holding back...Amen! What a must hear saints...You hit some valid points on this topic.
Great Sermon! Pastor Kelly,
Thank you for honestly addressing lust and the destruction it causes in married and single individuals lives. Christians everywhere really need to hear this kind of preaching. Satan is using lust, pornography, adultery and fornication to devistate people and send them to Hell. May the Lord bless you for being faithful to preach his word to hungry souls.
Maria - a married Christian woman
Great Sermon! Every preacher in the world needs to hear this sermon! Here's a preacher that is not afraid to take a stand and allows God to run his church, not his own human efforts. I praise the Lord for you Bro. Reggie!
Great Sermon! Awesome!!my husband pastored a church and he resigned on a sour note and he let the foxes spoil the grapes for many years he did not trust Christians now he is getting back to the Lord and church I was broken hearted for years due to a family problem and it spoiled my joy but no more!!! God bless you keep on keepin on brother! I will pray for ya!!
Great Sermon! Loved the sermon. Very practical and encouraging. I would offer this bit for consideration: the extreme modulation in voice is very hard on the ears of one listening with a head-set. The great enthusiasm is refreshing, however, the speaking range shifting between normal speaking, to soft, then to loud makes it difficult to adapt the volume level and I suspect it is difficult for both the hearing impaired and those with adequate hearing. But the content and passion for the Word are appreciated.
Absolutely true .... Pastor Reg, i appreciated that you preached this truth !! May the Lord bless this sermon! Yes ..... only the Holy Ghoast can change someones life.
I pray for you Pastor Reg!
God bless you !