Christ is King. This is EPIC! Start listening HERE! I wish I had listened to this 20 years ago. It puts all the pieces together. This is a PROFOUND look at what rights are, how discussions about rights get confused (and how to straighten them out), what are the source of rights and how society should be organized. Christ is King.
Without God, Math Makes No Sense Dr. Bahnsen not only explains the biblical basis for Math, but also clears up the limits of the ways we're taught that we can know anything apart from God and his Word.
Great Sermon/Series This series(4sermons) is SO good... I need to listen to it once a week... reminding me and calling me to true Christian living...all of Bahnsen teachings never fail to pierce my mind and heart.
Great Sermon! What an encouraging word...from a man who has had his own fainting heart... thank you... exactly what I needed to hear in these first days of the new year... my heart is fainting but God is my Rock and my trust is in Him.
A Must Listen Over 100 ppl have listened to this presentation and no one has left a comment? Why? This is the stuff that we as Christians need in our back pocket when we come up against those who would lead us to believe evolution is based on science and therefore trumps our belief in creation.Bahnsen gives plenty of concrete examples to set before the critics. Every parent should be arming their teen-ager with these examples because this is one of the reason kids walk away from their faith in high school and college... so-called science is washing out their faith... because they get told evolution is science... its not... its a philosophy and a Bahnsen so perfectly points out over and over again... IMO...we need to listen up!
Great Sermon! I was present for this sermon and remember it like it was yesterday. It took place about a half hour north of my house, days before his death. There was a short Sunday School class thereafter and I was a visitor. I asked Dr Bahnsen if it was appropriate to bring up election during gospel evangelization. His very last words to me were “Mark, election is the gospel”. I will never forget it.
Great Sermon! Fantastic expose on the founding of the confession... gives great historical background... was so surprised to hear it came about by a civil rather than religious commission and that so many varying demominations were involved...
Great Sermon! Awesome! What a gift to be able to hear these lectures! So good... listening to it again... and look forward to hearing them all... thank you for making these available to us!