What a blessing! As with all of your sermons this was a blessing to listen to. This is the absolute best sermon I have ever heard on love. Not only could I not find anything wrong with the sermon but I learned something which is becoming evermore rare in sermons today. Truly the people of God would be blessed if they could embrace the truth that you have shared in this sermon. I made this a permanent link on my blog now so hopefully a lot of people will listen to it. Thank you and may the Lord bless you.
Great Sermon! I praise and thank God for this sermon.I appreciate the way the preacher deliver the message.I wish I could deliver a message like this.Glory to God!" Let love cover a multitude of sins."
Great Sermon! Dave Reese preached this great series on Sanctification this summer at the Iowa RP family camp, Crooked Creek. This is the first of the series of five messages. I higly recommend it. Dave points out that our sanctification flows from our union with Christ. We are His workmanship. He has called us for a purpose, that we would be conformed to His image. And what He has begun in us, He will continue and confirm and bring to glory!
Great Sermon! This was a very interesting and good introduction to evangelism, though it leaves some questions to be answered (and therefore, I look forward to listening to the rest of the series).
Some questions I was left with were, is it the motivation behind large crusades and outreaches that make them wrong, or is it the principles themselves? why?
Does one's culture have any bearing on how evangelism should be conducted?
I certainly agree with Pastor Reese's main point - that it is our lives and our actions that will speak loudest and offer the truest witness to Christ.
A Fantastic Defense! Thank you so much for speaking about the Christology of the Psalms. I get so infuriated when the same elders and pastors who say with Luther that Christ is on every page of the Bible will say that the psalms don't speak sufficiently about Christ; and we need songs that specifically have the words "Jesus or Christ". They might have a good point if singing was all that happens at worship. If the RPW is being followed, won't Christ's name be repeated several times during the preached word? Isn't the preached Word the center of worship, unlike Rome? Why should we worry about the psalms not being sufficient Christologically, when they do speak of Him so well, indeed written by Him? While I don't think it's necessary to hold to EP, I pray more Christians would at look at the richness of Christ in the psalms as this sermon beautifully presents.
An Absolutely Wonderful Gospel Presentation! Thank you for this refreshing exhortation on intoxicating frivolity and the necessity of sobermindedness in Christ and girding up the loins of our minds! It's so easy to get bogged down with worldly things and a worldly perspective. I so needed to hear these beautiful scriptures exposited this morning. Keep up your rich, convicting preaching, and may God continue to abundantly bless your ministry.