Great Sermon! I must say, that Brother Ashwood in this series of messages explains this subject better than anyone else I have heard or read. This is not to belittle Gill, Spurgeon, Dabney, nor any of the able ministers that God has called to preach, teach and write, but simply a recognition of the grace of God in Brother Ashwood. We thank the Lord for this humble minister, and pray for many more years of his usefulness to the Church.
Thomas Ray Floyd
Excellent What a blessing in these apostate ecumenical times to hear the truth boldly proclaimed, about the wickedness of the RC religion.
Thank you.
Great Sermon! "In Christ alone my hope is found....."
What joyful news the Gospel is for those that know all their righteousnesses are as filthy rags!
Great Sermon! What a great message encouraging believers to pray against His enemies.
When our eyes behold the glory of God, what else can we do but realize that it is not unto us, but unto God for His mercy and for His truths sake that He vindicates His own holy name?
It is time to call upon our sovereign God to crush His enemies; if we love Him and the lost.
good sermon, except I think your sermon was good, and needed. However, your quick comment about the slavery of the southern USA was very poor taste. It is not wise to make such brief comments about slavery, and the New Testament teachings regulating it, without a full treatment about such a serious subject and more complete exegesis of that topic in a different sermon from what was your main topic.
Great Sermon! ...the triumphing of the wicked is short...
Job 20:5
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
2 Peter 3:13
Indeed the dark days we live in make us long for the return of the Lord when there will be no more sin to vex our souls.
Great Sermon! Considering the addiction to entertainment which professing Christians have, one can't help but think of what Christians in communist and muslim countries are going through - they are willing to suffer and die for their faith.
In the past there were Christians persecuted in the USSR that made it to safety in the free world but were so disappointed to see the lukewarm state of the churches here. We have had it so prosperous for so long here, but times are changing and it may not be long before a purging will begin.
1Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God...
The feverish compulsion of Christmas Worth considering. The world perpetuates Christmas out of financial gain; the none separated Christian out of sentimentalism and hedonism. To live soberly we do not know any more. We need all sorts of prompts and crutches to make our lives, homes and churches count or function.
Ethically, Christmas is an idol to which altar crowds sacrifice yearly. As believers, we are tempted out of our own lust to participate of this “table of devils’ (lies) each year. “Are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? The things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.” I Cor 10:18-23
As with all issues of Christian stewardship, Christmas is a matter of spiritual discernment based on historical facts and the spirit of Scripture. Sadly, many defend it using sophistry. The 'compulsion' of Christmas should be checked against Scripture also. “All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any” I Cor. 6:12
Prophetic Truth! Truth spoken in love is so much better than the many smooth-talking effeminate men who attempt to sugar coat the truth which only can set men free. Here is no sugar coating but pure truth which will be sweet to those who love the truth.
Thank you Samuel for not compromising truth nor merchandising God's flock!