Bob Jones Jr. Yes, this is Bob Jones Jr. preaching. Not only that it is his voice, but in this sermon he mentions Ian Paisley preaching at the same conference. Bob Jones Jr. met Ian Paisley the first time in 1966. So the sermon is preached by Bob Jones Jr. after that year.
Insightful Sermon! We get a strong picture about what makes up our spirit and how that is interpreted by others. As mentioned, the word spirit is found 500 times in Holy Scriptures so it should be important to us to understand it. As we would expect, looking to the Holy Spirit to help us find our own spirit will guide us to greater peace and closeness to God. This is a great reminder that we must judge ourselves and ask God for improvement every day.
Great Testimony! This man is one of the best examples of a transformed life and true evidence of the power of God. Preaching is his life, prayer his ministry, and reaching others his burden. It's my belief that he is a man who walks so close to God that when you meet him the power of God touches your life. Thanks for your testimony, ministry, and counsel Dr. Bell.
Great Sermon! Hi - afraid I have not heard all this sermon as yet but like to point out that the Roman Catholic Church is a counterfeit religion and worships since day one in the sungod sol-invictus and IHS is not on their robes by accident as the letters stand for Issus Horus and Seft sungods of Egypt and the RCC uses Mary the mother of Jesus as a shield as the woman they look up to is semiramis wife of nimrod - Constantine established the RCC to unite the roman army as the roman empire was collapsing and the cardinals robes is scarlet and the colour of the beast in revelation is scarlet - also that who would be a follower of an establishment which funded Hitler. you can email me for a response - as I was heard if you enter a roman catholic church one is a dead man and out of the RCC came the apostate protestant churches
Great warning. This was a good warning. How worse are things now! But Jesus Christ didn't come in the 1980'es as this preacher expected at that time in this sermon.
Call to fight for God. This was a blessed message for me. A great call to fight for the faith once delivered to the saints. There are so many attacks against the Bible, the blood and the second coming of Christ. This sermon is a powerful deninciation of these attacks.
I was very blessed. I will be very honest in stating my impression after listening to this sermon. I was shocked. In all these years of listening to SA I never heard an Englishman preaching with such power. This is real preaching. Preaching with conviction, preaching with emotion, preaching with power.
Great lessons. This is a very good message, giving answer to the problem of apostasy. At the same time, how sad to see so many people in churches deceiving themselves!