50 Years Old..? Surely you're aware that fornication is always sinful,per the Bible. How many people are going to make it to 50 without succumbing to all manner of abomination,wickedness, and perversion, if not well before then? Even for most Christians, this is unlikely. Churches and parents need to be more helpful in guiding young people to marriage.
we did it. We were 17 and 19. That was 33 yrs ago. God has been good to us.A lot of people( church) told us that our marriage would last.By by God's grace we happily married for 33 yrs now. Just can't imagine any other way.
Great Sermon! Pastor, You missed a great opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. We passed out 80 gospel tracts and had the opportunity to witness to people in our neighborhood. Don't hide in your basement on Halloween! Share the gospel with a lost and dying world that comes to your door.
Great Sermon! I live on the Mexican/Texas Border. So I'm in a predominantly heavy Hispanic population. It's about 98 percent to two percent. Yes. Halloween is very huge here. Every year you see that word everywhere Muertos. Which means a death. The whole town is decorated with skulls. I dread it every year. I'm a Christian who does not like Halloween.
Great Sermon! I realize this is really neither here nor there, but Kim Davis actually only had three husbands despite four marriages. She married her second husband for a second time resulting in it being her fourth marriage. But anyway, great program today!!
Unbelievable The bottom line is that Jesus Christ, in His earthly incarnation, was fully God and fully Man. As mere human beings, we can't fully understand the dual natures of Christ existing in one Person.
Nor are we meant to fully understand it.
The idea that any pastor would use silly, unrealistic hypotheticals to try to shed light on the particulars of Christ's earthly existence is both blasphemous and utterly pointless. God has a reason for not describing Jesus' childhood and maturation in detail---we are not meant to know those details. Speculation on the life of Christ is simply blasphemous.
The tedious hair-splitting between "mistakes" and "sins" is stupid. God requires perfection. Jesus is the onlu Person who ever lived Who was Perfect, and being imperfect, sinful humans can't understand that with any reliability. It seems that Driscoll is just trying to spit out something New. It's a gambit for attention. May God be merciful to people who butcher the Scriptures.
Good Program... Many of these issues would indeed be nonexistent if women were in the home, tending to their husbands and children from the safety of that place (Titus 2:4-5; I Timothy 5:14). No amount of legislation can supersede God creating us male and female (Genesis 1:27). This matter will only cause unnecessary and foolish temptation, and some will succumb. Those who think they can handle it cannot (I Corinthians 10:12).
clear & refreshing ...a very gracious and clear commentary...great distinction between sin/mistakes and the learning process. Driscoll could benefit from this,especially, since he,himself,wasn't sure whether or not he was being heretical.Sadly,so many people want to know Christ in irrelevant ways. People have to use false and deceptive representations/images of His physical features or try to validate the "shroud"...which, clearly, is a hoax as the Bible points out that there would have been a napkin over His face.We would all do better to study God's Word if we really want to get a sense of who Jesus is as the Bible says and avoid heretical teachings.
Many are deceived The same thing that's been done with getting people to raise their hand in church to receive Jesus and that makes them a Christian is the same as trying to get "professing" Christians to evangelize. If they have not been born again from above, then it's done in their own strength. This is what Christianity is mostly made up of today -- and many don't even know it. THIS is what the world sees - "professing" Christianity.
Discern [The truth is] the BIG picture when it comes to the world's Christianity is that there are actually two groups. One group is made up individuals "professing" to be Christian and the other are they who have been born again by the Holy Spirit. Most we hear about in the news are speaking of people "profess" Christianity, but again, they not been born again. Jesus is a stumbling block to "professing" Christians as well which is why there is so much confusion in the "professing" Christian churches all over the world.
A Man in Known by the Books He Keeps I am always looking for new leads on SermonAudio, new voices that can enlighten me and edify. When a portrait of the speaker features the works of John Owen (left) and John Newton (right) in the background, AND he is Baptist, - well at least for now he is my new best friend. I am looking forward to hearing these messages while I deliver the mail today.