A case for abstinence It is quite significant to consider the fresh light the words 'banqueting' and 'vigilant' indicate in the original Greek, in 1 Timothy 4 and Titus 2 respectively, which meaning is often overlooked. Quite a convincing rationale, presented with a passionate zeal with the best interest of the young generation in mind.
Great Sermon! I really needed this message today and I appreciate it. I am definitely in a holding pattern and growing weary. I feel like I got the message to wait and trust some more.
Strong Sermon! Jesus Christ is all -- our pride works against us looking to and having Jesus Christ as our leader throughout life. We must look to Jesus Christ for everything in our life -- the good and the bad, all comes from our Lord.
Great Encouragment! I had made the mistake of allowing the soil of discouragement to come into my mind and heart as my husband and I are in a trial that we cannot escape from, and we have been in it for a while. We know it is by the Lord's hand, and we had prayed that the Lord would show us how we wanted us to respond so that we honor him. I listened to this sermon, and the Lord's answer came to me in it, and my heart was flooded with so much peace when I confessed my discouragement to the Lord, and I have shared this with my husband and daughter to bring a blessing to them. I know the Lord brought me to this sermon, and I thank this dear man of God for making it available here on SermonAudio. I know it will bless many who are looking to deal with trials God's way and have peace while waiting on the Lord to work His will. God bless you!
Great Sermon! Deeply inspiring message. Well thought out, interesting facts revealed from Proverbs. Great story on Sampson's attitude and how it ties to Christians today.
Great Sermon! Linda, thank you for pointing out the discrepancy, hopefully the new audio file upload will correct the situation.
Be well,
Bill Hardecker
Great Sermon! this is a great sermon on the local church, but I think you made a misstake and put the wrong title on it. I came across your sermon because i was looking for sermons to put on CD to send to my brother who ased me to find him some sermons on angels
you said something about the local church is not listening to a sermon at home, but for some people like that is homebound listening to a sermon at home is the only way we can here a good sermon.
Thank you for having your sermons online. I am a independent Baptist and finding sermons like the ones from your church is my only way to have church
Great Sermon! This is truly one spectacular and moving sermon and a true blessing to the heart of anyone who would listen to it. GOD Bless your heart Pastor Chris Starr. Cindy