Great Sermon! Thanks for such a marvelous exposition of the ninth verse of the marathon psalm 119. I used to recite it while running with a bible in hand during some years past, 2002-3. All the 176 verses would get over by the end of the hour or more. I am delighted you like the psalm and have cared to expose it with a verse at a time,emphasizing "How shall a young man cleanse his way, by taking heed according to Thy word". That's all for a little from me. Maranatha!
Great Sermon! Amen! Hear this wonderful message about the sovereignty of God in our eternal salvation! This should bring us much joy and comfort to know!
Great Sermon!(13th on my odyssey) Thankyou Pastor Hill for this interesting and challengiong sermon.
I am on an odyssey of listening to a sermon from each book of the Bible by a speaker i have not heard before. I am being really blessed by this. Praise the Lord.
Grieving the Holy Spirit Dear Br0ther: May this message beproclaimed from the house tops throughout the world.
This sin is the reason for all theconfusion in the world today.
Great Sermon! Thank God for the Spirit-filled preacher Tom Hill,i am blessed to the message On the Cross that Glorifies our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.To God be the Glory!
Great Sermon! What a Powerful message!it must be heard for all the body of the believers in Christ,(Quenching the Holy Spirit) is so true and really happening today,i am blessed by this message. Pastor Tom Hill, Thank You so much! Grace be with thee.
Great Sermon! Thanks for the closed captions on this video sermon. I have a deaf neighbor who can now make better use of SermonAudio! What a great idea.
what Truth Oh how I love to hear this truth. I never get tired of hearing of the power and authority of our great God.He truly is sovereign in everything, and fully in control. This sermon is easy to understand and explains this truth very plainly. Please listen and you will be blessed with this awesome truth as I have.