Timely, New York Passes Gay Marriage Let us lament and complain very loudly, and protest against the New York legislature's passing of "same sex marriage" on Friday! Has American gone completely out of its mind, and insane? This is a first in human civilization, the pretended "marriage" of same sex couples. The entire animal kingdom, which mates by both species, and only in heterosexual pairs, will stare in astonishment and the weird and unnatural perversion contrary to the plain and self evident design of God! Will this not provoke His judgment further? Has American become like Sodom?
Great Sermon! Thank you Pastor for this excellent and timely message regarding the sin of homosexuality and the growing trend of acceptance. I pray the "church" will stand its ground since it represents the bride of Christ.
Powerful, Important Sermon It has become politically-incorrect to speak plainly what the scriptures teach about the Jews being guilty of crucifying Jesus Christ. A new persecution is mounting up, whereby the ADL (which authors hate-crime legislation) and other Zionist organizations call it "anti-semitic" to preach this. But should we be surprised? Who killed not only Christ (albeit by the providence of God), but also Stephen, and the apostle James (Fox's Book of Martyrs)? Who "took an oath" to kill Paul in Acts?
Jesus replied to Pilate, when asked why he made no answer: "You would have no power unless it had been given you from above, FOR THIS REASON HE WHO DELIVERED ME UP TO YOU HAS THE GREATER SIN"--i.e. Judas, and the conspiratorial Sanhedrin under the high priest Caiaphas, "who sought to kill him", which is repeated frequently thru the gospels. Israel, the Jews, must acknowledge their sin and repent, as Peter preached, before God will restore their land (see JewsagainstZionism.com). But also, Paul tells the Gentiles, "Be not high minded (that the Jews are cut off), BUT FEAR, for God is able to graft them in again". Has the "time of the Gentiles been fulfilled", is it time for judgment to come, as was done to Jerusalem, for Gentile apostasy, and apostate modern Christianity?
Powerful Preaching! The bold sermon refutes PC churches who fear saying plainly what God abhors, and is worth hearing in its entirety as he compares and traces the condemnation of this provoking sin against God throughout scripture, recalling that Sodom was "an example" for us to heed.
This strong message is even more relevant in light of this last weeks UN Resolution on Gay Rights (which the U.S., without our representation in truth, affirmed) and because of Obama's attendance this week at a homosexual-activist event in New York (as President, who claims to be Christian) on June 23, 2011, in which the New York Times writes:
"This week, he will headline a $1,250-a-plate “Gala with the Gay Community” in Manhattan, his first such event as president; *on June 29, he will host a Gay Pride reception at the White House*.
"Hate evil, you who love the Lord", writes the Psalmist.
Powerful, Needed and Rare Sermon! A powerful and clear sermon that proves the heresy of modern Christianity and it's False Gospel of "God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life" (made popular by the Four Spiritual Laws tract from Bill Bright's Campus Crusade for Christ, which infiltrated a generation ago). The new gospel ("another gospel") of "God loves **you**" is an unscriptural innovation, not found in New Testament preaching, *presumptuously proclaiming something certain toward all individuals*, indiscriminately, universally, and equally, that only God would know in his secret Providence--i.e. Jacob vs Esau! Jesus said he talked in parables, to hide the truth from some, "lest they hear and be saved", did he not?
Before this late 20th century innovation, "God is angry with the wicked every day" and "*hates* all workers of iniquity" (Ps. 5:5) was preached, and "unless you repent, you will all likewise perish", faithful to scripture. Telling the sinful, openly wicked, or self-righteous, that "God loves you", is not only presumptuous, but countenances them in their sinful way to destruction! It is the very premise of that heresy, Universalism!
The speaker makes short work of this heretical foundation, proves it to be false, comparing scripture with scripture, with boldness and clarity.
Great Sermon! Pastor I love your bravery and faithfulness. I must confess that I do wish you had ended with a word of hope for these poor lost sinners, that there is forgiveness and reformation even for them at the foot of The Cross, and in the Blood. Thank you, though, for your stance. -Kay
Pay close attention! "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."
-Ezekiel 16:49
A Needful Exposition It is refreshing to hear an honest, correct and needful exposition of the Lord's Table, in a clear and concise manner, I was greatly encouraged!!!
So often this truth is inadvertently glossed over and with the Lord's Supper tagged onto the end of a service without much thought to the deeper meaning of the this ordinance.
This sermon is a great training tool for our children - thank you
Exodus 12
25 And it shall come to pass, when ye be come to the land which the LORD will give you, according as he hath promised, that ye shall keep this service.
26 And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, What mean ye by this service?
27 That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the LORD'S passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head and worshipped.