Penetrating Sermon! This message reveals the difference between true believers and surface believers. Many great points of weakness of pretenders of Christianity are brought out. RC does another great presentation of hypocrisy that is prevalent in today's church leaders.
Doctrinally Spot on Dear Dr Sproul.
Thank you once again for your clear and doctrinally sound preaching which is so to the point without needing to go over and over again the same point. Excellent in the way you explain that so many many churches and christian misquote biblical texts for gospel texts when they are clearly meant for the believer.
Continue to be used of the Lord dearest brother
To the point and a very challenging Sermon! Challenging for the unconverted who are under the word of God, yet who are not seriously seeking the good and gracious Lord with all their heart.
My wife and I have two teenage children who from the cradle have been under the Lord's preaching and instruction; nevertheless, disturbingly they both remain, at this time unmoved and unchallenged by the faithful proclamation of the glorious Gospel of our great God. May He have mercy upon their poor unrepentant souls. My wife and I are so concerned that the Lord may give them both up to their own sin and ways. God forbid!
Strong Sermon! The big question posed is "what are you
waiting for?" Salvation cannot be postponed by depending on God's patience. The hardening of the heart is Scriptural and when its finality arrives, it's too late. God's Grace is there when He is ready, not you.
Great Sermon! Excellent insight into the necessity that we must be changed in a major way when we "are saved." The old way must die and the new way must now lead us. As always, R.C. gives great examples.
Powerful Sermon! This message gets to the heart of how and why we look at Jesus Christ and His work to give us salvation. The question of if we accept or reject Him is presented in a way you can't ignore it. Your eternal future is in how you handle that question. A very powerful presentation by Dr. Sproul, as usual.