Excellent and Timely Sermon for me We almost forwent gathering with the LORD's people this very day, due entirely to my lack of patience. I needed to hear this convicting message in order to have the LORD do a deeper work of repentance within me. Blessed be the name of the LORD, who doeth all things well.
Great Sermon and conference! I finished listening to the conference, it's really really good. Thanks for making it available to those who can't go. This sermon in particular I transcribed and will be translating into Spanish. Thanks to all the speakers for such good solid teaching.
Convicting! Thank you, Pastor Banister! I was particularly moved when you framed the question, "Why is God so picky about the way he’s worshiped?" and then the answer, "...you realize that God would guard the way he was worshiped because God was jealous for the honor of his Son". I pray that this will have an impact on the way I worship.
Great Sermon! This sermon dispells the idea of an independant Christian. It does an excellent job of exposing the false confidence of thinking you are autonomous. We've all been there because "All we like sheep have gone astray".
Thanks for this powerful message!
Overview Suffering...to make us more like Christ.
Suffering precedes glory. Patriarchs of the faith experienced disappointments with God. Jonah, Joseph, Job, Moses, David, and others, are examples given. God's ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts. Our attitudes need adjusting.
Very good personal account from C.H Spurgeon given, concerning the conversion of a man's family.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this very good sermon. We know from Scripture that we will definitely suffer as born again believers and suffering can and will produce disapointment. This message clearly helps us to maintain the right perspective and heart attitude. Although we may experience immediate disapointment when initially encountering trial and suffering, your sermon has reminded me to shift gears and think rightly and biblically about the current circumstances. Thank You for bringing this word to us. God bless you.
Great Sermon! Unfortunately, Bob Bell did not go public with his doctrine until he had a huge following and plenty of "works" to show his "righteousness." We, in Grand Rapids are concerned for the affect this has on our college aged and young adults who have grown up with the "health, wealth, prosperity,gospel." Fortunately, my daughter has had plenty of hard knocks and has a good understanding of the gospel to come back to, when the Lord exposes him. She read his book and she now questions the heaven and hell thing...sadly. I believe she will come out of it.
A wonderful picture of Christ and salvation David's care for Mephibosheth pictures Christ's care for the believer. The message is illuminating, encouraging, and challenging.
Great Sermon! Thank you for proclaiming the truth! Arminianism is a ticket to hearing the Lord say "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
It is a true blessing to know that there is a larger "remnant" out there than my heart had conceived. May God Bless You Richly!
Christianity in Action! Thanks Mark and Family for your continued ministry to Downtown Greenville. We will pray that the Lord gives you the Grace and resources to continue his work.
Great Sermon! this sermon very clearly shows the great need for TRUE prayer, not the mere vain repetition of thoughtless words uttered with irreverence before a Holy God.