A Decent Primer on the JWs Pastor White provides a wide-ranging survey of the Jehovah's Witnesses and their thought and practice. He touches on a number of topics rarely mentioned in talks by his fellow popular apologists, who often focus solely on the JW denial of the Trinity. His extensive research and especially his first-hand experiences debating JWs lends his teaching credibility (and he'll be the first to tell you this--White's robust ego characteristically occupies center stage here!). I appreciated White's acknowledging that JWs are diligent and dedicated Bible students, even if their arguments are often canned and boilerplate rebuttals memorized from Watchtower publications that can be upended by a believer well-versed in his or her Bible. Conversely, I didn't care for White's caricature of JWs as fearful, whether packing their bookbags when challenged or scared to visit an evangelical church because of three-headed monsters. As White acknowledged, many JWs are former Catholics and Protestants all too familiar with what goes on in our churches. (On the flip side, many evangelicals would likely be skittish to visit a Kingdom Hall.) For a follow-up teaching, I'd be eager to hear White address the unwritten JW prohibitions on children and college (as well as against beards!).
Excellent Introduction! An excellent introduction into a critical (and difficult) subject. I'm looking forward to reading your upcoming book on Islam.
Great Sermon! Ernest does not know what the "old paths" are. Read Acts Chapter 20, Ernest, and you will see what the pattern of the plurality of elders in a New Testament church is all about.
Thanks for addressing an often ignored issue This is a topic so many are afraid to address from the pulpit. Statistics show that the church is losing the first mission field, its kids. (70-80% leave the faith after leaving the home). Dropping your kids for 30-40 hrs a week in an a humanist based institution (kids that aren't even regenerated or still babes in their faith) is a recipe for training up humanist, not Christian Disciples. The Jewish nation always got off course when their children were not properly trained in God's precepts. John Dewey knew if he got our kids he would get the nation and the war in America is being won for the humanist through the schools.
Excellent Series! I downloaded this series and put them on CD when Dr. White put them up on YouTube. I've listened to them many, many times as there is always great encouragement from the messages and teaching of James White.
Questionable This is the new bandwagon in the SBC, and the fish are all swimming with the tide. Where are the defenders of the old paths? The Scripture texts offered can only satisfy those who want to consider the texts superficially. Even if some of the NT churches did have a plurality there is nothing offered to prove that this should be normative for every church!
Great Sermon! Thank you so much, Pastor Baggett, for this wonderful sermon. It is both touching and clarifying, with deep and fervent meaning for anyone seeking after God.
I would respectfully differ with one point that you made early in this sermon. You stated that the essence of sin is the elivation of the created to the level of the Creator. I believe the essence of sin is the free-will selection or choice of the created over the Creator. The sinner seeks continued pleasure rather than the strict and righteous life of those who seek God and attempt to emulate the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
What many people sadly fail to realize is that this life we are all currently living is in reality nothing more than a test. And, at the end of every life, each of us will be "graded." We will either pass or fail. And few understand that nobody should ever want to fail this particular test.
May God continue to bless you and all who hear your words,
Len Lisenbee
Excellent Lecture Thanks Pastor Baggett...
It is always good to learn about fellow Reformed Baptist churches that I have previously not been aware of. Especially when I can hear a church history lesson given this well. I was prepping for a S.S. lesson myself on the Puritans and found this lesson and Olyotts SID=212081157420, quite instructive. Now I want to hear some of your Hebrew series as well, = Thomas, Reformed Bapt. Church - Holland, MI
Great Sermon! The series: “Ancient Heresies in the Church” is excellent. I particularly, having been confronted by anti-Trinitarians, discover that I was ill equipped defending the Trinity from Scripture. We tend to hold the Trinity as an esoteric tradition that is too hallowed to venture, whereas we neglect Sola Scriptura, the sharp double edged Sword able to divide the matter to the point of Biblical proof. How wretched we are! I have also discovered that I probably held more of a modal view about the Trinity just because I have never been instructed properly, neither have I sought it diligently from Scripture. Currently we have this Thaddeus style fad in South Africa where half the country is running after a man named Angus Buchan, who teaches a moralistic/ Pentecostal/ social uplifting gospel (http://www.sermonaudio.com/source_articles.asp?sourceid=graceunlimited), with no content no Gospel no Godly conviction. I stand in shambles having to admit that this country has never been truly Christian, but traditionalists. Being third generation presently, you should see the wheels coming off this cart! I stand amazed at the capacity of man for going staying astray!
THE MIRACLE of REGENERATION! ... This wonderful sermon is nothing short of "living water" and makes clear that God does NOT violate man's freewill by His sovereignly choosing His elect unto salvation! An absolute "MUST listen to" for anyone who still holds to man having the final say in his new birth.
Brad Baggett is one of this nation's finest young preachers and I'm greatly looking forward to the forthcoming sermons in this series. THANKS, BRAD!
MUCH NEEDED MESSAGE! As far as I'm concerned, this message ends the debate. Plurality of Elders, of course! Can any Spirit filled Christian listen to this message and disagree? I think not. The question is: Are we humble enough to turn to that which is CLEARLY God's way? We must pray for tender hearts in leadership.
Great Sermon! For anyone who can read the Bible, this sermon ought to conclusively prove the proper form of Christian church government. This a clarion call to the apostate church to look to the Scriptures and not to their worldly patterns.
Great Sermon! I heard this sermon in person, and on the way home told my wife that this was perhaps the best sermon I'd heard since I was saved 30 years ago.
It might help to have heard the whole series on Lazarus but this one alone is worth listening to.