Great Sermon! This is the greatest sermon I have every heard. It brought today's word for the future and how we should be loving at home. All was for the family- on how we should behave in a time like this.- and for the future- we are aliens here- heaven is our home.
Great Sermon! This was a wonderful sermon, that continues to speak to my heart. I have attended Grace Church for the past 2 weeks, and find that pastor Phil is a very charismatic preacher. I give God thanks for preachers like him who is not afraid to tell the truth of salvation.
Great Sermon! This was excellent. I love Daniel. I need to come back to Grace Church. Thank you for the good sermon. I have a Quechan dictionary for Pastor Phil.
Thank you again. I could never the the good sermon you gave. It touched me very much.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this timely message. I have been torn about confronting my co-workers at my new job on some issues, this message just confirmed what issues I have dealt with them about and now am dealing with the hate they have for me because of my stand on truth. I am sure God will still bless my efforts in trying to minister to them.
Thank you again for always keeping it real.
Great Sermon! God has been convicting me on my pray lessness. I have been too busy to pray and I have grown discouraged in prayer. I have prayed for 26 years for a son who is an alcoholic and I have a daughter who is gay, and I have carried them to The Lord for all these years and they don't change. I lost confidence that God answer pray and became skeptical. This is the 1st of the 4 sermons, but i will listen to them all and make God and prayer my priority.
My thoughts Meditation on nothingness is not an invitation for the devil. The goal for this type of meditation is to move past all the thoughts of the mind which, for most, arise and fall without much conscious attention. From what I have learned on meditation there are two main forms: single pointed and compassion. Single pointed meditation is to sharpen the concentration and awareness of the mind and compassion meditation is to develop equanimity toward everyone and everything.
Prayer is a form of meditation whereas the participant usually mixes both types of meditations; being singly focused on God and trying to develop compassion for others.
Many times in this sermon there are aspects of buddhism that are negated or mocked because of misunderstanding or non-understanding of the content.
The koan's are not nonsensical but are metaphor that hold a hidden truth only grasped through deep contemplation. I am an artist and from this I have learned that while one may see a shape in a particular way for much time but after prolonged work with a shape, new ways to see the form emerge.
I have done a 10 day meditation retreat where I spoke nothing for 9 days and meditated for 10hrs a day. The shape doesn't change, our perception does.
Great Sermon! I have been listening to the last 4 sermons because I suggested my brother and his wife go to this church. These have been the most powerful sermons I have heard. If my brother does not get it then Satan is definitely interferring because Pastor Winfield has done an absolute awesome job in presenting the gospel. It has also been a blessing to me. I go to a church in Bradenton, Florida and we too have an aweseome Pastor. Thank you.
Great Sermon! I am happy that you now have a Spanish church. Please pray for me at my two jobs- Hillis, Smouse School and Penny's. Please pray that I have gas and money for food and continue to pray for healing for me and the children. Thank you! Jane Go with Jesus. Please pray about my disability hearing coming up April 5.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, Thank you for your obedience to the command to 'so shine' your light before men. God has gained glory from your sermon.
I am a missionary in Nigeria. One way to stir revival here is to trust God for the women; that they may be filled with the Holy Spirit and 'stand therefore' to fulfil their God's given destiny. It is not the only way but it is the proven way to ignite revival. We have invested in women, disciple them, love and teach them, pray and prophesy over them. We are seeing great results. The fire of revival has spread to their husbands, children and friends. Glory to God alone!
God bless you, your family and church.
In Christ alone, Lia Leigh.
Great Sermon! This was a very informative talk and I listened to it again as I was there on Sunday morning. I do wish that you had also recorded Claudia's prayer it was very spirit filled.
Great Sermon! Life is Ministry from the day we will to be in God's hands. A day with the Lord doesn't exist because its Always & forever - this message made me semper pardaris. Iron sharpens iron - and Christ is the Stone. Ken speaks so honestly about his past, so do I. We have alot in common through our sins but how much more we have together through Him who helped us both overcome our own lust. Thank you Ken for your ministry; Thanks to God for Ken Rudolph.
A Must Hear Sermon! Imagine me, sitting in my dining room, 6:00 on a Sunday morning, laughing, smiling with pen and paper writing down all six steps. This is a must hear, scriptural, lively speaker who will hold your interest all the way though. Thanks for posting!!!