Great Sermon! This isn't a debate. Debates have two sides. It also weakens your when you make ad hominem comments about those who don't see Calvinism in the Bible. To say it is a different gospel is to put us under the anathema of Paul. Are you really saying that?
Needful Great message brother Price; hope you will begin to upload them on SA again.
The conference "speaker" needs to be called out and the flock warned.
Bold! Thank you for boldly proclaiming the glorious sovereign grace gospel.
This truth has fallen in the streets and most of Christendom has believed another 'gospel'.
Great Sermon! Really enjoyed this series of sermons Pastor Price. It has cleared up a lot of spiritual thoughts in my mind. Am going to listen to your next series concerning faith and am putting them all on my Facebook page so others can have the privilege of listening to them
Thank you so much. God bless you in your service for him and bless your family.
I find it interesting that these very same preachers who are teaching “eternal election is eternal justification” so that “election is salvation” are the very same people who also like to say that “non-election is not condemnation”. But when they say this, they have to change their soundbites so that “election is not salvation but only unto salvation”. They they quote CD Cole —“Election is not the cause of anybody going to hell, for election is unto salvation (2 Thessalonians 2: 13). Neither is non- election responsible for the damnation of sinners. Sin is the thing that sends men to hell, and all men are sinners by nature and practice. Sinners are sinners altogether apart from election or non-election. It does not follow that because election is unto salvation that non-election is unto damnation. Sin is the damning element in human life. Election harms nobody.”
Those who refuse to give explanations like to have their cake and also eat it. On the hand, they like to reduce salvation to God’s sovereignty and equate election with justification ( and don’t talk about justification or Christ obtaining righteousness by being imputed with guilt). But on the other hand, when it comes to explaining the non-salvation of the non- elect, these same preachers don’t want to talk about God’s so
Great Sermon! Pastor James
I truly enjoy your sermons as you always preach straight. We are all sinners the best of us, and our only hope is the substitutionary life and death of Jesus on our behalf. There is no holiness, or righteousness in any of us, it is only in Christ. Yes, it all to the praise and glory of God's grace. Jesus alone is the glory of God.
Salvation is of the Lord, and I heard His voice in the gospel. I am truly thankful and will continue to listen to your sermons.
There are no churches where I live that teach the true gospel of Jesus, so I listen to to hear the gospel of the finished work of Jesus Thank you for your sermons, I appreciate them so much. Keep preaching.
Smeaton, Atonement As Taught By Himself, p 78—The Son of God took sin upon Him, and bore it simultaneously with the taking of the flesh, nay, in a sense even prior to the actual fact of the incarnation. The peculiar character of the Lord’s humanity, which was, on the one hand, pure and holy, and yet, on the other, a curse-bearing humanity, plainly shows that in some sense He was the sin- bearer from the moment of His sending, and, therefore, even prior to His actual incarnation.
Thus the Lamb of God appeared without inherent sin or taint of any kind, but never without the sin of others. The sin of man was not first imputed to Him or borne by Him when He hung on the cross, but in and with the assumption of man's nature, or, more precisely, in and with His mission. The very form of a servant, and His putting on the likeness of sinful flesh, was an argument that sin was already transferred to Him and borne by Him; and not a single moment of the Lord's earthly life can be conceived of in which He did not feel the harden of the divine wrath which must otherwise have pressed on us for ever. Hence, "to hear sin" is the phrase of God's word for freeing us from its punishment. Because He bore sin, and was never seen without it, it may be affirmed that the mortality which was comprehended in the words, "Thou shalt surely die"—that is, all that was summed up in the wrath and curse of God,—was never really separated from Him, though it had its hours of culmination and its abatements. Hence, without referring further at present to the character of the suffering, it evidently appears that, as the sin-bearer, He all through life discerned and felt the penal character of sin as the surety