Thank you Brother Voddie, I don't know if you personally read these comments or not, but I am going to leave one wife and I attended this conference from Friday night until Sunday morning.I just want to say thank you, for speaking at this conference and for your testimony on Sunday. Our God has most certainly giving you a gift, and I can only pray that He will give you a thousand more years to use it. we will continue to pray for your son, and for you and your family. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and God bless you.
Great Sermon! When I was a young Christian, I used to look up at a photo of Jonathan Edwards and it would humble me and even put fear in my heart. I guess I just knew that he was in a different league as a Christian. I have the same respect seeing a picture of George McDearmon next to a sermon title called, Perseverance." I expect to be laid in the dust, but at least it is safer this way. John Bunyan wrote, he that is already down need fear no fall.
Great Sermon! MY ETERNAL GRATITUDE TO JESUS CHRIST for and Thank you Pastor Washer... God bless you always...I had believed all my life that after I pray a sinner's prayer I am already saved without having much concern on whether I bear fruit or not or making my election sure or examining whether i am one of those who enter through the narrow gate/way or in the broad way but God used you and your sermons to get my attention and say to myself, "hey, am I really for Christ? Is my life devoted to Him?" i used to go to church alright but I don't care as much as getting a more deeper and intimate relationship with Him, who is forever to be praised and who deserve to be honoured as He ought to be. Thank you very much... Glory and Honor to Jesus!
The Gospel Every other sermon subject can only supplement growth of the Christian, but the gospel is the pure reason for it. I keep forgetting this, and I truly thank Paul Washer for the clearest presentation of the Gospel that I have ever heard. In America, it's so easy to live like a "Christian" without actually remembering why.
More more meat! As believers we are to grow from the spiritual milk of the Word to meat. I believe Paul Washer can deliver Christ's message the way Christ wants it delivered. There's no other purpose in this life that we have apart from Jesus Christ.
Born again! I too had a conversion just like Paul in Acts on the road to Damascus. When God made me born again I was a completely different person and even so much so that my family rejects me to this day. All I want is Christ and all I want to talk about is Christ. because nothing in this world matters apart from where you will spend eternity and how you are going to stand before God on Judgment Day. The only thing that matters is how God can be glorified the most and Paul washer does that beautifully in his sermons. He is a man that preaches Christ and Him crucified and he is a man that is biblically based on Scripture alone saved by faith alone in Christ alone by Gods grace alone! Corem deo!
Warning: Meat!!! Thank you so much pastor Paul ! I am so tired of hearing milk sermons I needed meat to fill my soul. This sermon makes you love Christ more and makes born again believers appreciate everything that He is and will always be.
Warning, this is meat! This, along with other sermons I have heard from Paul Washer exalts Christ and exposes the reality of the depravity of man in such expositional perfection, it makes me more thankful for Christ and His sacrifice everytime. Warning for those who love ear tickling preaching, if you disagree with the preaching of this man, you need to examine yourself and make your calling and election sure because if you want biblical Christ centered it is. I pray thanks to God for raising Washer up and pray He will rise up more like him.
Nice sermon I am a new listener to Mr.Washer and i like what i have heard so far.But i am wondering why does he use the john flavel-Father's bargain example.It was GOD'S will for Jesus to die for us and then be raised from the dead, and Jesus just said that 'I will obey'.There was no bargaining.