Great Sermon! Thank you very much. After hearing the sermon I want to take Jesus yoke upon me and learn from hom. This is exactly what I need to do. This is exactly what is best for me.
An important commandment. Thank you brother for this comforting word which comes with power because you have ministered Christ to us. As you pointed out,the first major command given to Moses is to remember what God has done!! Thank you.
Too many still begin with man and what he must do - still living under the shadows and types of the
old covenant, struggling to obey and gain the victory, as if Christ has not yet come...(what an insult to our Saviour and His Cross-work!)..... instead of discovering that to abide in Christ IS victory, and obedience, holiness,wisdom - all that we will ever need we find and have in Him. Glory to His Name!
Great Sermon! Dear Jerry, thank you for this encouraging sermon. Thank you for your pervading words. I am Andy Beeftink, I studied theology with you for a year in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. After my theology studies I was a minister for eight years in the 'Nederlands Gereformeerde kerk' of Doetinchem, but despite my faith confidence I lost the heavy spiritual battle, succumbed under heavy desperateness that I experienced as a result of the inner hardening and superficiality of the church members. Pray to God that He will restore me and do me justice. I pray onto you a lot of blessings for your life and work!
Warmest greetings, Andy
Convicting yet gracious sermon Thank you for this sermon. What a timely, convicting message. How humbling that God sends people or His Word to us to convict us of our sin, that we might repent. He is so merciful to us.
Christ the Wrath Absorber What a beautiful explanation of John 3:16 that God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son to absorb the fullest measure of God's anger never seen before and at the same time displaying immeasurable love and passion towards sinners.
Love never seen in this measure before. Wrath, punishment of sin never seen in this measure before.
This is love, not that we love God, but that he loved us and provided Himself a lamb to take away the sins of the world.
Christ the propitiation- the wrath absorber, sin exhauster; the anger absorber. Christ the propitiation for the world.
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son. This is why we love.
Great Sermon! It was a blessing to hear you preach last Sunday July 22. I have been reading psalms for my devotions and have felt my prayer life has been in a slump. I am easily distracted and when I do pray in a quite place I get so sleepy. I liked how you said to kneel that does help especially if I don’t lean on anything like the bed. But I can’t keep my mind concentrated on what I am praying. You mentioned praying the psalms. How would I do this? I sometimes take a verse of scripture and use it in prayer would that be the same? I love the psalms because I can relate to David. I struggle with wondering if God hears me sometimes but can see answered prayers. So I know better.
Thank you so much for such a blessing.
Blessings Pastor.
Monica Nordyke
Important Message! Being aware of the dangers of internet use is one thing, but knowing how to use the internet in a godly way is of tremendous value, and absolutely necessary in today's world. Pastor Murray offers many helpful insights into how to use the internet in a way that is pleasing to God, and beneficial to ourselves and others. Must listening!
Important Sermon! Important warning about the dangers of the internet, especially social media and iphones. I knew there were many problems with this kind of technology, but the statistics Pastor Murray shared were both shocking and overwhelming. Everyone should be aware of this data, and take it into serious consideration when making decisions about internet use!
Great Sermon! Eternity begins with an "h". In our unregenerated state our feet will lead us to the first "h", to Dante's banner "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here." The second "h" is the embrace of Abraham's bosom, "Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." By God's grace may I be found on the right side all the time.
Message with substance It is a pleasure to hear of believers holding on to the Lord's Day observance nowadays, and teaching such not only as an institution of Creational origin, but in the context of Christ’s redemptive work. This is a rather comprehensive talk on the topic. Thanks
Great Sermon! I have been blessed to have listened to this broadcast. God never comes to us empty-handed. In every way he provides all that we need, here the Scriptures, and its commendable presentation by Rev Macleod. We just need to give it our ear and heart.