Great Sermon! Brother Haak explains God's word so clearly. When I listen to his sermons, I feel as if he is sitting across from me; speaking directly to me.
Great Sermon! Brother Haak explains {wait on the LORD} so very well. If you have trials, heartache in your life and you have moments of wondering "where is GOD" during these trials, then listen to Brother Haak tell you where GOD is for you. I certainly came away with GOD's truth on this matter.
Great Sermon! Both of these studies about the biblical gospel are excellent!
Thank you! This Free Grace doctrine is indeed the Good News of our eternal salvation
by the sovereign grace of God alone, by faith alone, by the imputed righteousness of Christ alone! Praise God! Most of the churches today have lost this good news, sad to say.
Great Sermon! Thank you for the Word of the Lord to my soul, in deep trial of afflictions and disabilities. It was indeed a blessing!
Please, is there someone who would be happy to write to me via email for fellowship?
Have been ill for many years and isolated.
My husband is my carer but he does get to church.
The Lord bless you.
I would like to hear more sermons
please. Found you on sermonaudio.
Yours, in Him by His grace, Rose
Great Sermon! this sermon clearly define for me what waiting on God means. When i am impatient with God responding in my time frame, I am attempting to expect God to operate by the world standards. Since God Is God , he bids me to come sit at his feet and he teaches me things during this time I would never learn on the run. I was very down because my son is on drugs but this sermon reminded me of the omniscience of God and my spirits werre lifted
Great Sermon! Dear Rev Haak,
This sermon has been a great blessing and encouragement to me.
during the past three years the Lord in His providence has sent affliction to my life, the loss of my dear wife through death, and serious illness has caused me to be a little despondent. there is a great lesson in this sermon for me,and any others suffering like afflictions. look away from the circumstances which crowd in upon you, and "wait on the Lord." "He is working all this for our good."