Necessary Teaching Teaching is clear and received with great appreciation.
Lack of clarity on this issue has caused great division within the ranks of true Christianity and Jerusalem.
Dr. Brunson is a workman needing not to be ashamed - rightly dividing the word of truth.
Dispensationalism; the seed of Christian Zionism.
Profound Thank you pastor Brunson for such teaching. I don't like to say that I have favorite preachers, but you are one of the most thorough teachers I've listened to.
I can't wait to get your book Amyraldianism: A Parabolic, Geometric, and Exegetical Critique of Four-point Calvinism
Who is Israel? What is a Jew? Where is Jerusalem?: A Biblical Mandate for Prophetic Reformation in the Twenty-First Century
And Scofield's Greatest Error: An Exposition of Acts 15:13-16 in Relation to Amos
Paedobaptism is NOT Biblical Thank you for this powerful message which Reformed believers need to hear. While I identify as a 5-Point Calvinist, paedobaptism is a clear violation of the foundational Reformed doctrine of Sola Fide. Infants cannot express faith. Paedobaptism does nothing but produce false assurance and pride in the baptizer and baptized. Furthermore, it opens the door to the other gross heresy of Rome known as Baptismal Regeneration. There is no saving power in baptismal waters and this is what paedobaptists secretly believe but will not readily admit to. How can those that consider themselves "Reformed" still hold to the heresies of Rome? Just because Calvin or Luther did? That is utterly foolish and disingenuous. Calvin and Luther are not God and neither are they our final authority. The Reformers were guilty of tolerating many Roman heresies so the Reformed Church could still do with a lot more reforming and purging out the old leaven.
Excellent Sermon! A well thought out sermon and I've never heard anything like it before, creativity from heaven packed with truth!
God be praised, amen!
Excellent. Thank You Sir. See also "The Enemy Within Is Me' and also "The Divine Search and Destroy Mission" by Pastor Jeff Crippen also on SermonAudio.
Great Sermon! This is an excellent series. You should seriously consider putting it in book form. That would be a very useful tool. I, too, was duped by dispensationalism for many years
Masterful Presentation I am still living in the truth presented through this message I heard yesterday. I want to further comment on who the author of Hebrews is. I don't believe it is God's desire for us to know who the writer is, nor where the body of Moses is.
I don't believe the author would be among those that said unto him (Jesus), "Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory" (Mark 10:37). Neither should we seek to discover the author, and not the exalted One. We are already exalting individual "scholarly" pastors above those less known.
The author is hidden in Christ, just as we ourselves are and should seek to remain.
Masterful Presentation The writer has so presented the one who is Superior in all things in heaven and in the earth until the only message we come away with, e.g. in seeking to find the author, is that Christ is superior; even to the author of Hebrews. Otherwise, we would exalt the author as many are exalting the apostle Paul.
He clearly wants us to know that it is finished, AND Christ did it all!
Thank you for diligent and scholarly study.
EXEGETICAL PERFECTION You have done due diligence in exegeting scripture. Failure to correctly identify the true Israel of God, or national, ethnic Israel has caused so much confusion until many fail to evangelize a Jew. When you tell believers that the Arabs and the ethnic, unregenerate Jew that they have the same god (in that it is not the God of our Lord Jesus Christ), you draw resentment.
May our great God enlarge your borders so that this message will be heard, received, and motivating toward getting the gospel to every man; without regard to ethnicity.
Great Sermon! Beautiful testimony and sweet spirit. Jesus shines through. To see and hear a life of Christian contentment is a beautiful thing. The joy of the Lord is our strength.
Great Sermon! Very encouraging testimony of God's love. "My hope is not in an event (healing) but in a person, Jesus Christ." I am recovering from cancer and my health is terrible, so this testimony was very special to me.