Great Sermon! Loved listening to Camille! Her sweet spirit, humility and childlike faith are a beautiful testimony of how God's spirit in us transforms us. Glory to God as this testimony spreads and brings others to search His word! "You will seek Me and
find me when you seek Me with all your heart"! Jeremiah 29:13
AN INSPIRING TESTIMONY An inspiring testimony of the sovereign grace of our Lord.
Camille was raised by non-believing parents and educated by the school system of France in the humanistic theory of life. She learned that a self-reliant lifestyle was the only true way to live. Then her love of a certain music style caused contact with a religion that taught that the way to God was attained and maintained by keeping sacraments. And then…well let her tell you.
Great Sermon! I met one of the members of your church who was in Kansas City Wed. I looked up Dillon's pastor and I am glad I did. Great message. I will listen to more.
Great Sermon! Pastor Boyett,
Thank you for this sermon! I will be teaching this passage on Sunday to an adult Sunday school class. I have already done considerable study but felt like I was still missing something. You have made the message very clear to me (in a way that the commentaries have not). Thanks for your efforts in the name of Christ! May the Lord continue to bless you!
In His service,
Great Sermon! Praise God for the true and finished Gospel of Jesus Christ! Thank you, Bro. Richard and Dayspring Church, for this timely and sobering message.
Great Sermon! this message was so full of precious info I was so Blessed, Coming from a Catholic background before I was saved, it was amazing to see that Mary(My Mothers God)is proven through Leviticus to be both poor and sinful in that very short statement, Thanks for joining SermonAudio, I WILL BE LISTENING TO YOU ALOT!!!!!!