Great blessing. Blessed message for my soul today. Through the years, the Lord made the revival on the Isle of Lewis the most dear to my soul. It inspires me to pray for revival.
Very appropriate for our times Though there was not a single mention of the word pestilence in this message, you could easily think that it was preached in April, 2020. The book of Joel deals with a national calamity caused by God's great army of locusts that he sent for the desolation of disobedient Israel. Repentance toward God and faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ are what experientially gets us on God's side, and consequently places the Lord on our side (Psalm 124:1;Romans 8:31).
Great truth. Very good message and very great truth. We need the power of the Holy Spirit, because the Kingdom of god cannot be built in the flesh of with human power.
Great Sermon! Too bad so many ministers don't have the same mindset. I have never heard this kind of sermon at any funeral
I've attended, even those of people who lived as though they didn't know the Lord, and sadly, those whom refused to listen to anything related to Jesus and salvation, but those who know this will speak as though the lost person is "in Heaven," looking down on everybody. THANK YOU, Pastor for those rare words of truth.
A Matter of Life and Death How I wish every single person in this deceived nation of mine could be forced to listen to this message and that God would open their eyes to the truth of it.
Great Sermon! Thank-you Pastor for addressing this subject! You said things that needed saying-things that no one else talks about. VERY meaty message, very needed. God bless you for this message.
Great Sermon! This was a good message, however, I disagree with you concerning your claim " the Savior loved them and died for them to keep them out of hell". This is not true - Christ laid down His life for His SHEEP, He died to atone for sin, not merely to keep us from hell- which will be cast into the lake of fire.
This is a decent message, in spite of the errors in it.