Great Sermon! I was very touched by this sermon,and have listened to it three times. The later few minutes was extremely powerful! I am part of a church plant .from the onset we need to be "addicted to prayer" and to the reading of His Word. I had never thought if Pentecost being all about Christ. Thank you for this sermon brother Ferguson.
Great Sermon! My heart is crying after listening to Pastors Lawson and Parson. I pray that when I "consider the cost", God will be glorified by my service as His servant. May God bless you, your ministry and all members of the body of Christ.
I just want to say, It would be honor to participate in your service and maybe one day, I will be in Alabama. Also I am going to read the books on Tyndale, Rogers and the Martyrs. Thanks you
As I continue to Seek His face I will be praying for you.
Great Sermon! This is a passionate and moving presentation of the stories of Tyndale and Rogers. Everyone should hear this and appreciate the blood sacrifices made so that we can hold the Bible in our hands in our native language. Praise God for the faithfulness of these men, as well as David Parsons and Steve Lawson.
Great Sermon! This was an excellent sermon that describes very well those who stand in our pulpits today. I pray the Lord will raise an army of soldiers that are unafraid and willing to suffer the loss of all for the sake of the gospel. Not just in the pulpits, but in all segements of society. Well done brother.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this precious and wonderful message of encouragement and exhoration to patience in God's providence,design and purpose and to rest and trust therein in the circumstances and trials in our lives.
Great Sermon! This is truly one of the finest expositions of the person and work of the Holy Spirit I have ever heard! It was a blessing to hear it live and it looses none of its power on second hearing. Perhaps this is due to the personal, honest and simple style of the message. Perhaps it is the personality of the expositor whose deep faith in and contagious love for the great Triune God is evident in every word. It most certainly is due to the empowerment of Dr. Ferguson by the Holy Spirit, Himself. Dr. Ferguson, you have been and are a blessing to many people, I know, but, personally, you touched my heart deeply by your ministry this past week. Blessings on you, your family and your work for the Kingdom!
Great Sermon! Just a comment from an obscure little lamb: this is a beautiful, moving and blazing presentation of the lives and testimonies of two amazing instruments of the Living God. Am very blessed in the hearing of this. Thank you.
Great Sermon! How wonderful to hear your precious voice again as you expound the beauty and majesty of our Triune God. As always, many sincere blessings on you and Mrs. Ferguson, your home, and your dear family. Deep appreciation for your sermons here. I love conference sermons
Must be heard by every preacher These 2 sermons on the love of preaching by Dr. Beeke are extremely powerful and full of wisdom.
They show us how far we are today from this kind of preaching.
Listen to them with extreme attention. That is what we need today!
Puzzling Reference At 42:28 he quotes Joel 9:9 as "Behold the King". What version is he using? I've only got 3 chapters in Joel in mine. And I can't find the quote anywhere e.g. another minor prophet. It's the quote I'm after - not criticising the sermon.