Changed sermons. The correct title of this message is "Last Night Of A Man's Life" and the text is Daniel 5. The 2 sermons on that day are interchanged on SermonAudio. Please make the change.
Great Sermon! Thank you Pastor to bring out a question which has hit my mind years back - Where are you ? In all other religion men go at length in search of God. Here the true & only God walks all the way in search of each one of us & asks all of the same question Where are you. The same love which He shows leaving 99 lambs & goes in search of one missing. How blessed are we to have a God to search of us who are drowned in sin to wash us into His righteousness in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Great tragedy. A message about a man who believed and understood too late that there is a hell, that there is an eternal punishment, and the necessity of repentance.
Not just knowing. It is true: it is not enough to know that there is a balm of Gilead, it must be applied. There is not enough to know that there is salvation in Christ, you must embrace Him as Savior.
Sin is serious. Amessage about the seriousness of sin. Only Christ is the response to our problem of sin. Interestingly, the beginning of the sermon is at minute 25.51. It goes to the end and after that follows the first part of the sermon. It seems to me that it was recorded in two parts and put together in the wrong order.
Hope. Our only hope is God with us. Without Him there is no Christian life or service. We need this to be a present reality today: God with us, in us.